🌸 Chapter Eight

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Sorata's POV

"Okay, class. Please don't forget to turn in your papers tomorrow morning. Class is over."

The bell rang as I felt the phone, in my pocket, vibrate.

New message:

"I'll be waiting for you. S"

End of message

I ran my way to the Arts Club room. But much to my disappointment, the room was left empty. Her school bag wasn't there either.

What do I do now? Mashiro's waiting for me. But I have no idea where! I know, I should just ask her.

Write message:

"Where are you?"


And in just a few seconds, I received her reply:

"White. S"

End of message

What did she mean by that? I just don't get her, sometimes.

So... I asked her again. Hope she'll write something more specific, this time. Please. Please. Please.


"Tree. S"

White? Tree? White tree? I still don't get it. I better go and look for her right now, before it gets dark. I was going downstairs when I realized that I left my bag in the classroom.

I went back to the classroom and took my bag on my desk. White tree... Wait. Did she say white? I turned my gaze at the window. Snow! Maybe she meant snow! I know!

I hurried upstairs. She must be at the rooftop. I know this. This has happened before. I think it was Valentine's day. I'm sure of it. She's gotta be at the rooftop. The school trees can be seen at the top while watching the snowflakes dramatically falling on trees and structures.

Okay. I'm good. I'm gonna open the door, now. I mustn't look like I'm exhausted or something. So she won't think I took a little too long to figure her out.

"Whaa?", my jaw dropped as I saw no one. Not even a single strand of her hair or a silhouette. As in nothing!

Where could she possibly be? It's too embarrassing for me to ask her again now. I have to think harder. She's waiting. In the snow! It's snowing, you know! What was she thinking? Mashiro...

Then, a picture popped up in my head. The picture of Mashiro waiting for me that night. It was snowing. She wore an elegant dress. She was just sitting there, waiting for me. And then, there's me. Stupid me, caught off guard upon seeing what a work of art she was that night. That night she went outside, barefoot... Only because she had something for me.

Don't worry, Mashiro! I'm coming up.

The smile on my face went upside down. The moment I arrived near the fountain, Mashiro was nowhere to be seen. Could she have fallen a victim of a kidnapper?! No!! I looked for her everywhere. The room. The rooftop. The fountain. Not a single trace of her.

I circled around the fountain, still looking for her with a sad expression on my face.

I'm so worried about her! This snow's pouring harder as the temperature keeps getting colder. She's still waiting for me. Now... THAT'S THE ONLY THING I'M SURE OF.

She's gotta be here. Somewhere. Somehow around here. Patiently waiting for--

"H-hey, wait no!", I yelled as the wind drifted away my umbrella as if leading me to a place. I followed it until another heavy wind blew and took it further away.

I sighed. I lost it.

I think I'm lost. Everything's covered in white. Where should I go? Wait, where am I?

I rubbed my eyes and that's when I realized the snow was covering them up. A flower swiftly landed on my nose. Followed by another. Pink cherry blossoms fell along with the snowflakes, making a beautiful scenery.

The cherry blossom tree was covered in snow. It looks like a white tree, having its bottom shaded with light pink. And at the very bottom of the tree, there sat a beautiful maiden in a school uniform. Her eyes were of crimson while her hair was blonde in color.

"Beautiful...", a word came out of my mouth.

Wait. This is not the time to be stunned with some tree and some girl. I have to look for Mashi--

"Shiina!", I found myself standing in front of her.

"Stupid Sorata.", was all she ever said.

I apologized for several times, but she still ignored me. She shows me a perfectly blank face, but I know she's mad. C'mon, say it already! Hit me!

I don't want this evening to end up like this. Please. "Stop ignoring me."

"Shiina.", I plead as I took the liberty of sitting on the space beside her.

"Shiina...", I held her hand and placed it in one of my coat's pockets.


"Mashiro.", she finally broke her silence.

"Call me MASHIRO WHEN WE'RE ALONE, Stupid Sorata!", she raised her voice as her cheeks bubbled up, both turning redder than of her ears.

Oh uh. She must be freezing to death. Using my free hand, I untied my scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

"Here. It's warm, right?", I gave her a soft smile. She just stared at me... I wonder why she said that she'll be waiting for me in the first place.

"C'mon. Let's go home now.", I loosened her hand as I help her stand up, inviting her to walk by my side.


"Let's go home now, Mashiro. To OUR HOME.", she gave me the warmest smile I've ever seen and nodded.

There we walked together with our hands clasped tight on that snowy beautiful night.

Author's note:

Hello, again !!

I just wanted to say a couple of words.

2017 has been a tough year, but its amazing to know that you lot always got my back. You continue to support me in spite of me being weird and shit. I can't thank you enough for that.

Happy Y-yew Near's, lads ! 😘 ××

Lots of love,

End of Author's note

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