🌸 Chapter Fourteen

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Nanami's POV:

The audition finished early and I passed. I didn't get the part I wanted, but I passed. That's all that matters.

It started to rain outside, leaving me and the other auditioners hassling to get our umbrellas out from our bags.

There are only a few of us left in the lobby and I'm still here looking for my umbrella. I don't even remember bringing it, this morning.

The street was soon filled with colourful walking mushrooms and I gave up on searching. I'll just make a run to the nearest convenience store.

I was about to open the front door when a hand lightly grabbed my wrist, causing me to halt. "Um how can I help you?", I asked, unsure whether the person is safe or not.

"Sorry. I just forgot my umbrella at home and was wondering if I could share with yours...maybe or I don't know. Oh god, that must've made you uncomfortable--", it was Yukine-san.

"I wouldn't mind that, but I forgot mine as well.", I could only give him an apologetic smile.

I noticed a figure approaching towards us with a navy blue umbrella in hand. Wait--is it just me or that looks like exactly the umbrella I forgot at the dorm?


"Sorata?", I asked in disbelief, is this really happening?

"I knew it was you. Here, you left this on the table.", he handed me my umbrella. "So how was it?"

"How was what?", I asked back.

"She passed!", Yukine-san exclaimed behind me. Sorata congratulated me and I could only nod. My brain wasn't processing what's going on.

Everything just goes back to that dreadful audition, last year. It was also raining, back then. Sorata was there too. I'm getting overwhelmed and I don't exactly know why. I should be fine, but I'm not.

"She didn't get the part though. I couldn't help but feel bad because it looked like I stole what she wanted from her... ", Yukine-san mumbled, frowning or at least, his eyes were. He was still wearing his facemask from earlier.

"What do you mean?", confused Sorata asked. I fiddled with the strap of my umbrella as I continued watching them talk.

"Nanami-san was auditioning for this cute cat in the anime, but the director said that my voice fits the role better. She was given the teenage girl. I'm still glad that we both passed. I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt, if I did and she didn't."

"Oh. All is well, then. Shall we go now? The rain might pour hard even more.", the two looked at me and I nodded.

"I guess, we'll see each other again soon--", only when I was about to take my leave with Sorata then I realized that Yukine-san was still holding my wrist.

I looked down at our hands and felt blood rushing to my cheeks. He followed my gaze and finally let go. My wrist shivered at the sudden loss of contact, but I chose to brush it off.


"It's okay. Take care, Yukine-san!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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