🌸 Chapter Ten

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William's POV

"William! Brother! Where are you?", I hear my little sister call.

"I'm hanging up some pictures here.", I yell back from the studio.

I pressed the last photo on the string full of the others and clipped both ends. "Knock knock?", that silly sister of mine just literally said that instead of knocking on the door. "Don't come in.", I replied, biting my lip not to laugh. I guess I'm silly too, but hey! Maybe it runs in the family?

"Too late. I already let myself in. Haha! So? You done now? Let's go play hopscotch!", Diana pulled me out of the studio before I could even agree. I let out a soft sigh. I mean, a happy sigh? If that's even a thing...

It's been a whole month since we moved in and each day has been pretty much like today. I work on my studio and Diana would ask me to play with her. We'll spend most of the day together or she'll come over at Rita's, which is just a street away.

I'm glad that my sis is having fun as much as I do. Especially, now we got to have a good friend in the neighborhood...but is it really alright? Aren't we bothering Rita too much lately?

Diana's POV

"You asked for my permission and I said no. Now, be a good girl and stay with your brother at home.", I couldn't help but frown as my brother told me that I cannot come over at big sis Rita's house later.

"...but why? Don't you like her?", I asked, pulling his sleeve. I just don't get it. He has been saying yes yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before the day before it was yesterday and even on the days before those days! Why say no now?

"I do like her, but you got to give her some consideration sometimes. Don't you think we've been hogging too much of her time this whole month? Maybe rest on some days and let her do something else other than playing with you.", although I get his point and that I really should give her a rest sometimes... I just... couldn't help but--"You like big sis Rita?? Oh em gee! Then, better yet come over and tell her!"--point that one out.

"I like her because she's nice and I don't actually hate her, but that doesn't mean I like her as in like!", brother blah blah like like blah blah brother sure seems too talkative today. "Hahaha! There's no stopping me now! I've got to tell her!", I exclaimed, running out of our house to spread the good news.

This is the part when you run as fast as you could with no looking back because you know your brother is right behind you, catching up with no sweat. Really, look at my legs compared to his. His steps are much larger than mine!

Ding dong ding dong ding DONGGGG!

I pressed so so many times on the doorbell as I tried to catch my breath.

"Wait--Coming!", hurry please!

"DiiaaaaNNAAAA?", oh no--"Um... What's going on?"

William's POV

"Um... What's going on?", I froze when the door suddenly opened after I called for my sis so loud. Really, so loud because she could've said something that Rita might misunderstand.

I hid Diana behind me and just gave a forced smile as I said,"N-nothing..." I hope she buys it.

"O...okay. So um I was in a middle of cooking dinner when the doorbell rang and I really need to return inside for it. So I hope you don't mind waiting for me in the living while I finish up in the kitchen...", I don't really mind and that's not the point, but here I am. Walking inside her house. Waiting for her in her living. We bothered her once again. Great.

"Telly! Telly! Come on! Why won't the telly turn on?", I turned to look at Diana, pressing on the remote control's botton non-stop and the tv still wasn't responding at all. I scooted closer to her and asked, "Maybe try using the other one?". Turns out she was pressing on the wrong remote control all along.

"Feel yourselves at home. I'm almost done here.", Rita says from the kitchen counter. I looked at ourselves and laughed, "Oh, we already did. Look at us sitting on your couch and watching tv."



It's never too late to wish...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

I updated late--AGAIN, but hopefully it's worth the wait.

A massive thank you for your never ending support!

Till next time~ 😍

Lots of love,
hprincess_diana 👑

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