🌸 Chapter Six

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Its been a while since Rita has visited Japan. A lot of things had happened in England. She met William and hasn't seen Ryuu much after that.

"Hell--", Rita was about to call when Misaki came out just before she could open the dorm door. Misaki had a wide smile on her face. "Oh. Welcome back, Rittan!" She greeted her with a hug. That made Rita smile.

"Bye." After having said that, Misaki left.

Nothing's changed. Everyone at Sakurasou is still as crazy as ever, just like herself. The thought made her giggle.

It was quite silent when Rita came in. Maybe a bit noisy at Sorata's room, though. That already explains everything.

Sorata came out of his room and saw Rita just standing there. "Rita! You didn't call. We could've waited for you at the airport.", he told her. She said that it was fine. Sorata headed to the kitchen to drink some water.

Alright. In front of Ryuu's room, there stood Rita. She knocked twice before she asked if she could enter. There was no response. So she tried to turn the door knob and got surprised that it was left unlocked. Helping herself inside, she realized that the room was empty. She wondered where her love was. He wasn't at his usual seat, so was at his bed.

"Where..." Rita began. "Master went out. He can be a bit busy.", said Maid-chan, from the monitor on the desk.

"I can wait...", Rita whispered, more to herself really. She sat on the floor. Having her back leaning against the wall, she eventually fell asleep.

Evening fell, but Ryuu still hasn't come home yet. Rita rubbed her eyes after waking up. She checked the time on her phone. Its almost time for her departure. She stood up with a frown on her face. She didn't had the chance to see her love. Even just seeing his face would be enough. But what can be done? He seems very busy.

Before Rita reached for the door knob, she looked one last time at the empty room.

"Could you tell him that I...came here today? Please and thanks."

"Okay.", knowing Rita was talking to her, Maid-chan replied.

Rita closed the door, but left it unlocked. She left Sakurasou and rode the bus to airport. She still has this frown on her face. When she arrived at the airport, she looked back. Only to realize no one was there to say goodbye to. Ryuu wasn't there for her to steal a goodbye kiss from.

All alone, she looked for a vacant seat in the plane. When she was finally seated and buckled up, she closed her eyes as she felt tears coming out from her eyes. She couldn't hold them in anymore. She was so sad. Almost broken.

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