🌸 Chapter Eleven

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The day was like any ordinary day for someone like Nanami. After school, she goes to work from the convenience store and take delivery jobs when asked to.

She stood behind the counter, waiting for a customer. She noticed the people had stopped coming since the opening of a mall at the nearby street. No. It wasn't the company that wanted to demolish Sakurasou before. There was nothing to worry about or so she thought.

She was about to fish her phone from her pocket when she heard the door swing open, revealing a boy with face mask and his hood on. Her eyes followed him cautiously as he headed straight to the photocopier. She had completely forgotten that they still have the machine in the store. It hasn't been used in a long time, so she wondered if it still works.




Was it supposed to make a sound like that?




I don't think so, Nanami thought to herself. The boy began to look uneasy with what's happening and the girl behind the counter couldn't handle it anymore. She went to help him. Little did she know that it would change her life completely.

"Sir, please let me help you with that.", Nanami called out to the poor boy, who seemed lost at what to do. She dusted the copier a bit before rebooting it. She tried her best bringing the settings back to normal in hope for it to work for the boy.

"That should do it. Let's try copying now. What did you want to copy, Sir?", she asked politely after the fizzing sound has stopped. The boy handed her a letter sized paper. She took a glance at it before putting it in the photocopier. It was a CV.

She asked how many copies should be done and the boy gestured his thumb and index finger as if to say "two". The papers turned out fine and she handed them to the customer before going back to the counter.

The guy paid for the copies and service charge, but Nanami told him that she was happy to help. She returned the excess payment.

"Thank you.", the boy spoke for the first time and if Nanami wasn't paying attention, she would've missed it.

"You're welcome and come again!", the boy recieved the warmest smile Nanami has ever given to anyone since Sorata.

"I will."

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