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"You know, Doctor Zola, I might have the best two candidates for our new experiment." Schmidt said as the same little man from the last facility joined his side.

Zola. Bailey thought to herself, relieved she finally had a name to go with the tiny man.

"Who might these two candidates be, sir?" Zola asked.

Schmidt stopped walking, which caused Zola to stop as well. Both bailey and Bucky quickly ducked down and hid in the closest place possible.

"Remember our new friend we met before leaving out last facility?" Schmidt asked.

Zola looked at him confused. "Sir, the only encounter we had at the last facility was that gir-". He paused. "You want her? She's an American soldier, sir. We can't have the enemy in contact with out life's work!"

Bailey squeezed her eyes shut as she listened to the conversation, knowing damn well she was the girl they spoke about.

Bucky quietly rubbed her shoulder, gently kissing her cheek in attempt to calm her down after seeing the visible stress in her eyes. That was something he noticed that she and Rebecca would do all the time.

Schmidt nodded towards the little man. "Of course I mean that girl. If it doesn't work on her, we kill her. No big deal."

Holy shit. Bailey thought to herself, not even noticing how tightly she was hugging Bucky's arm to her chest.

"But sir, why did we stop here to talk about this?" Zola asked, "we are in the middle of another invasion."

Schmidt stood for a second and smirked. "Exactly." He said, turning on his heels toward the direction the soldiers were hiding in. "My two candidates are right there."

Bailey froze. Two candidates are right there? She asked herself.

"Play along with what I do." Bailey whispered very quickly and quietly to Bucky, watching as he hesitantly nodded.

The girl stood from her hiding spot, Bucky doing the same. "Gee, you caught us." She spoke confidently. "I just need to know why we are your choices."

Schmidt looked into baileys eyes, his expression being one that could kill. "Your an intelligent asset, Miss.. Connors, correct?" He questioned, waiting for baileys response.

His face grew angrier as she didn't answer. instead, she stood up straight and retracted the staff back to its small rod form.

"And sergeant Barnes, your already set for us to work with you." Schmidt said. "Your time in our possession gave us the head start to prepare you for our future."

Bailey glanced over to Bucky, watching as he stiffened up and aimed his gun at the man. "Say another snarky comment and I'll kill you." He threatened.

Zola seemed scared, being that he wasn't exactly fit for fighting. His strength was clearly more of the intelligence part of the operation.

"I'll make you a deal." Bailey said, sneaking her staff into one of her many pockets. "I'll go with you, he stays."

"What-" Bucky said, snapping his focus to her. "Are you insane?" He whispered.

Bailey ignored him, keeping her eyes glared up at the man. "Because your not getting both of us." She added.

Schmidt and Zola both stepped away for a second to discuss while Bucky grabbed baileys arm. "Bails come on.. this is a terrible idea." He whispered. "You just got shot by this same guy hours ago, now you want to go with him?"

Bailey glanced over to Schmidt quickly, seeing he was still focused on Zola. "Look buck." She whispered into his ear. "If I go, we will meet again on the train. They're definitely taking it to the next facility."

"But ba-"

"No but's, James." She said, "I know what I'm doing. I'll see you in a few hours.. I promise."

Bucky looked at bailey, examining her face. "I don't like this plan one bit." He whispered. "What if the train was just a distraction idea? We have no way of getting to you."

Bailey smirked and stood beside Bucky, her arms folded over her chest. "The staff had a tracker, and the communicator should too. All you have to do is get connected to Howard so he can help you track it down." She said, "and please.. please don't use it and talk loudly, if I get caught, I'm definitely dead."

"That makes me feel much better." Bucky said sarcastically. "If the communicator has a tracker, why can't I go?"

Bailey giggled a little bit. "Someone's gotta explain this to the other idiots, and I don't have the patience to deal with all of them and their questions."

Bucky nodded, putting his hand on her lower back. "I love you,
Darling." He whispered just before Schmidt began to come back.

"I love you too." She said quickly and quietly to him before putting her tough face back on. "Make your minds up?"

Schmidt stood there, looking Bailey up and down. "We've got a deal." He said. "We will be back for you, sergeant."

Bucky sighed and watched as bailey stepped forward, getting shoved by Schmidt to the front of them. "I know how to walk you big tomato face." She said, glaring at the man.

"Your lucky I need your strength or else I would kill you."

"Well, good luck breaking me to the point where I'd help you." She said, "you'll need it."

Schmidt groaned at the girl. "This is going to be a long process." He complained, already tired of her attitude. "Don't get too smart with me or I might actually kill you."

"You wouldn't dare."

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