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8:20 am

Jordan walked into Tyquez's office.

"Good morning, you're late", Tyquez said.

"Sorry. I just— well it doesn't matter why I'm late", Jordan said before she handed him a paper.

Tyquez made a face. It was a Resignation letter .

"I'm putting in a two weeks notice", Jordan said.

"What? Why?", Tyquez asked.

"Because I can't do this anymore okay? I can't keep lying to my husband and I can't keep working with you", Jordan said.

Tyquez didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry. I can help you find somebody else before the business trip but I can't go", Jordan said.

"So you chose him?", Tyquez said.

"What?", Jordan asked. "Look, I have feelings for you but they aren't that major. The only thing I was contemplating was divorcing my husband because I didn't know how I felt about him anymore. Not choosing between the two of you. I don't know you like that and you don't know me like that. We only know little pieces of each other"

"Your favorite ice cream is butter pecan. Your favorite color is blue. You love to watch scary movies but you don't like to watch them alone. You have a big heart. You have a sister. You're good at masking your true feelings", Tyquez said.

Jordan folded her arms and looked down.

"I listen to you and I notice things alright. I can continue the list if you want me do", Tyquez said.

"No need. It won't change the fact that I'm quitting and that I'm done cheating on my husband", Jordan said.

"Let's be real", Tyquez said as he put the paper on his desk. "I got way more to offer you than he does. He's a drunk. He's a bum"

"He's my husband and he's getting better", Jordan said as she raised her voice.

Tyquez sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

"What? Just because you got money and you give good sex, you thought that if I even decided to leave my husband that I'd come running into your arms?", Jordan asked.

"Well you hop on this dick every chance you get", Tyquez replied.

"Yea I do and I don't regret that at all. But let's be real I don't even know how you really are as a person overall. I mean I know how you paint yourself to be, but let's be real. Is that the real you? I don't know", Jordan said.

"You can quit and do whatever else you gotta do. But don't question my character. How you see me is what you get", Tyquez said.

Jordan rolled her eyes.

"I've been real with you, Jordan. Nothing but real with you and I've been there for you even when he wasn't. Four months ago, you looked like somebody died...but now you're smiling and you have this glow that you didn't even have before", Tyquez said.

"You think that you're the reason for that?", Jordan asked.

"I know I am. Every time you're around me, you're happy", Tyquez said.

Jordan didn't say anything.

"You know it too", Tyquez said. "Jordan look... I ain't even mad at you alright. Do what you gotta do to make yourself happy. I just wanna say that to me you were more than just sex. You were somebody fun to be around. Last week when you came to my house, we spent all night talking and laughing until we fell asleep and —"

Jordan started walking to the door.

"Jordan, I'm talking to you", Tyquez said calmly.

"And I don't wanna hear it. I'm on the clock and this isn't about work", Jordan said.

"How about we continue this conversation off the clock then", Tyquez said

Jordan walked out and shut the door.

Tyquez shook his head.

Jordan sat at her desk. She stared at her desk as she thought about everything Tyquez said. They did have some good causal times together that didn't involve sex.

Jordan eventually stopped thinking about it and started working.


WILD THOUGHTS : BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now