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"You know you haven't been to church in a long time. Everybody probably isn't going to remember you", Tyquez's mom said as she fixed his tie.

"Everybody remember little Quez, ma", Tyquez said.

"I don't know. You seem different. Maybe it's that girl you've dating", she said with a smirk as she stopped touching his tie.

"Bad or good?", Tyquez asked.

"Good. You seem happy", she replied.

"Ma, i think your son is in love", Will said.

"Love?", she asked. "Well...when am I going to meet this love of your life?"

"When I decide I want to be embarrassed", Tyquez said jokingly.

"Do you think she's the one though. The one that you can probably spend the rest of your life with?", she asked.

" first I was a little cautious but I've been testing her and she has been pretty consistent with her responses and actions", Tyquez said.

"Mm", Tyquez's dad said as he had a concerned looked on his face.

"You okay, dad?", Tyquez asked.

His dad stood up and touched Will's shoulder.

"Yea I'm good", he replied. "Let's go"

Tyquez's mom looked at their dad as Will and Tyquez walked outside.

"Are you sure you're okay?", their mom asked.

"Yea I'm fine", he replied.

"I told you, all you have to do is ask Tyquez for the money for the surgery. If you have another heart attack—"

"Sweet heart, I'm fine. He does enough for us now", he replied.

"You're at risk of dying sooner than you should. You need to get that surgery", their mom said. She was starting to get upset. "Stop being so stubborn!"

Tyquez walked into the house.

"Everything okay?", Tyquez asked.

His mom looked at him and smiled.

"Yes sweetie. I thought you and Will were about to go ahead and go to the church. We're coming", she said.

"I was going to say that I'll mow the lawn when we come back. The grass is kinda high", Tyquez said.

"We have to get gas for the mower", his dad said.

"Don't worry about that dad. I'll get it", Tyquez said.

His mom looked at his dad then back at Tyquez.

"Meet y'all at the church", Tyquez said before he walked back outside.



"It's good that you grew up in the church", Jordan said.

Jordan was currently baking a cake.

"How about you? Did your parents take you to church a lot?", Tyquez asked.

"Not really. If I did go, it was because of my grandma", Jordan said.

Tyquez walked up behind Jordan and put his arms around her.

"I love it when you do that", Jordan said.

"What? Hold you?", he asked.

"Yea. Makes me feel...I don't know. If makes me feel good and secure", Jordan said. "It's like if I'm having a bad day, it helps with my mood"

WILD THOUGHTS : BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now