Chapter 49

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Tyquez is currently in his office walking back and forth as he talked on the phone with his brother. He had his airpods in so he didn't need to hold his phone.

"It's like I was mad about the way she did it but at the same time I was kinda happy and impatient for the baby to come. But come to find out, she's not even pregnant and Im kinda upset that she isn't", Tyquez said.

"Yea, but what she did was selfish", Will said.

"...Now that I think about it, I don't think she was trying to be selfish. I think she was having ptsd or something. What I mean that is she was pregnant before we started fooling around and she also had an abortion before than to. She didn't want an abortion and til this day, she's still depressed about it. I mean like it doesn't stop her day to day activities but when she thinks about it, she gets emotional. I feel like in a sense, her taking that plan b brought those feelings back up. I don't blame her for doing what she did in the heat of the moment because I understand", Tyquez said.

"I guess I get that, but she could've said something you know. It's the principle", Will said.

"You right. I agree and I told her that too...but my thing, what I'm tryna ask you is do you think me asking to propose is too soon?", Tyquez asked.

"I don't understand how you talking about how she thought she was pregnant relates to proposing", Will said.

"It doesn't but at the same time it does ya know. I guess it's just that I'm done with the whole "single" life and I wanna settle down. While dating Jordan, I realized that I don't need to be out on the scene all the time. I can have a good time at home too. I just...I don't know. I feel like I'm rushing it for her", Tyquez said.

"Hey, mom and dad got married after dating for only 6 months. They were together for 30 years and would've been if dad was still alive today. It's no such thing as too early. If you feel it, want it, go for it. If not you just waiting for a reason for you not to even do it", Will said. "...what makes you wanna marry her anyway?"

"Everything. I mean I've been thinking about this before the recent incident. She just completes me", Tyquez explain.

Jordan walked into the office.

"Yes Jordan?", Tyquez asked.

"What are we eating for lunch?", Jordan asked. "I'm starving"

Tyquez looked at his watch. "I'll let you know in about 5 minutes. I'm on the phone right now", Tyquez said.

"Oh. Sorry", Jordan said as opened the door and walked out.

"But yea. I love her and I see myself spending the rest of my life with her, her having my kids, us growing old. I see all of that. For the first time, I see all of that in a woman", Tyquez said.

"What about Sandra?", Will asked.

"Nah. We ain't mix all that great. Too many flaws", Tyquez said.

"What? She was pretty, successful, and—"

"And we barely spent time with each other. She was busy all the time and so was I", Tyquez said. "Besides she doesn't know how to be wife. She wasn't wife material"

"Oh so you went out and got someone who was already a wife instead", Will said.

"Chill out", Tyquez said as he sat down.

"I'm joking but...just do what you think is best for you", Will said.

"Yea", Tyquez replied. "I'll keep thinking on it". Tyquez began watching Jordan. She looked stress about something.

"Okay well I'm glad you could talk to me about it", Will said.

"Yea..I guess I can go to my big bro since dad is gone", Tyquez replied.

While Tyquez looked at Jordan, he saw Adam walk up to her.

"I miss that man", Will said.

Tyquez didn't respond. He was so busy looking at Adam and Jordan.

"But anyways, bye", Will said.

Tyquez still didn't hear him.

"Hello? Ty?", Will said.

Tyquez heard him that time and spoke. "Yea. Imma call you later", Tyquez double tapped his AirPod to end the call.

Jordan looked back at Tyquez and noticed him looking and then looked back at Adam. Tyquez claimed he wasn't the jealous type but she still felt like he was. He didn't like guys getting too friendly with Jordan and Jordan could tell. She didn't care for the trait of his.

Adam and Jordan ended the conversation and Adam walked alway.

Tyquez walked out of his office.

"You ready?", Tyquez asked.

"Yes", Jordan replied as she grabbed her things.

Tyquez looked at Adam. Adam was back in his office. Tyquez looked back at Jordan.

"What he say?", Tyquez asked.

"Nothing. He was just asking about my day", Jordan said.

"Hey, how you doing? Good, how are you? I'm making", Tyquez mocked. "A conversation like that only takes five seconds"

Jordan stood up. "He asked me how I was doing. Simple as that. Maybe he replied with a small story. Maybe I replied with a small story. Tyquez a conversation like that can take as long as anybody wants it to"

Tyquez touched his chest. "Woah, why you coming at me like that?"

"I'm not trying to come at you any type of way Ty. It's just that you should call you nerves okay? You have nothing to worry about. I don't want him and I don't care if he wants me. He can't have me", Jordan said.

"You think I'm jealous?", Tyquez asked.

"Either that or insecure", Jordan said as she folded her arms.

"You know damn well I ain't insecure", Tyquez said.

"Well that leaves jealous", Jordan said.

"I ain't jealous either", Tyquez replied.

"Since working here, do you know how many guys have hit on me? A lot. I know how to handle the slick flirting. So don't worry about Adam", Jordan said.

"Why you tryna take up for him?", Tyquez asked.

"I'm not trying to take up for him. I don't even know him. What I'm trying to do is to get you to be more comfortable with day to day conversations between me and other men. Either that or trust me", Jordan said.

"I do trust you", Tyquez replied.

"Act like it. Please", Jordan said as she passed him. "Come on. Let's go"

Tyquez followed her.


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