Chapter 31

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"Oooooh, take that rubber off. Meat to meat, meat to meat", Tyquez said as he danced while trying to find a condom.

"Listen your Q dog days are over", Jordan said as she walked into the room with a bag.

"Them days ain't never over. Q til the day I die", Tyquez replied as he did the fraternity hand symbol.

Jordan laughed. "Yea, okay", Jordan replied.

Tyquez continued looking for a condom.

"What are you looking for?", Jordan asked.

"A condom", Tyquez replied as he closed the drawer. "I don't think I have one"

"Well you better go buy one", Jordan replied.

"How about this. How about I just say pull out", Tyquez said.

"No. We not doing that", Jordan replied.

"Let's be real, do you even like condoms. I know that it's uncomfortable for you sometimes", Tyquez said.

"That still doesn't excuse the fact that things can happen if we don't use a condom", Jordan said.

"You won't get pregnant. Besides, im just some guy you messing around with anymore. I'm your boyfriend", Tyquez said.

"You know what. Fine. Just pull out way ahead of time. If you cum in me, you better say something", Jordan said as point her finger in his face.

"I won't cum in you but okay", Tyquez said as he put his hands up.

"I'm going to get dressed", Jordan said.

Tyquez walked her to the bed.

"What you need to do is get undressed", Tyquez said.

"Come on Tyquez. I just brought this", Jordan said he laid down and pulled her on top of him.

"Wear it another time", Tyquez said before he started kissing her.

Jordan began kissing back then stopped.

"You know you really messed up what I had planned right", Jordan said.

"You I've been waiting to beat that little booty up right", Tyquez replied.

Jordan smiled. "You make me sick", she said with a giggle.

Tyquez put her on the bed.

"Well let daddy take care of you then", Tyquez said.

Jordan bit her lip.

Tyquez started kissing on her neck.

Jordan moaned softly.

"I love your soft skin", Tyquez said in between kisses.

Tyquez pulled her shirt up and kissed her stomach.

"I love this body", he said before he touched her private area over her pants. "I love this"

Jordan giggled.

Tyquez came back up to her face and looked her in her eyes.

"And I love you", Tyquez said before he started kissing her.

Jordan started kissing him back but at the same time she was in shock about what he just said to her. It wasn't like it was too early for him to the say that because she understood it wasn't early for him. They had been knowing each other for over a year and been messing around for almost a year now. It was just that to Jordan, it was too early for her to actually tell if she loved him or not.

Tyquez stopped kissing her and looked at her.

"Why did you stop?", Jordan asked.

Tyquez shook his head.

"Nothing", Tyquez replied before he continued kissing her.



Jordan got out of car and walked into the building.

"Who are you hear to see?", the lady asked.

"Hakeem Williams", Jordan replied.

"Sign in and have a seat at one of the tables", the lady replied.

Jordan signed in and sat down. After waiting a while, Hakeem came through the door with two security guards and sat down across from Jordan.

"I'm surprised you came", Hakeem said.

"You asked me to and I told you I would...besides, I wanna see where your head is and if you're doing okay", Jordan said.

"My head is...fine. I haven't drank so I've been thinking wisely. I feel like my old's just that I'm here", Hakeem said as he looked around.

Hakeem spirits weren't uplifted at all. It was like he was lifeless.

Jordan looked down.

"But I tried to do what I did and I gotta suffer the consequences", Hakeem added.

Jordan looked at him.

"Is it bad in there?", Jordan asked.

"It's not that bad as far as the people. It's just...different. No more freedom", Hakeem said. "9 years of this shit"

"I know it's hard right now but you just gotta push through it. Find something to do that you enjoy to let time go by", Jordan said.

"As of right now the only think I like to do is stare at this picture on the wall all day in my cell", Hakeem said.

"What picture?", Jordan asked.

"", Hakeem replied. "I know we're divorced but looking at you just always reminded me of the times you believed in me when I didn't believe in myself"

Jordan didn't reply. She didn't know what to say but she finally felt appreciated.

"Look I wanted you to come here so I could apologize for what I did. I was wrong. I not only apologize to you but I apologize to...whatever his name is too", Hakeem said.

"I know you know his name. You just don't wanna say it", Jordan said.

"You right but point is...I can't be mad if another man is making you happy, better than I can. I don't have anybody else to blame but me. It was my fault and I'm sorry", Hakeem said. "I just wanna say that I'm happy for whatever you choose to do in your life and whoever you choose to be with. I'm not the one for you and maybe he is and I respect that and I'm happy because you're happy"

"...I appreciate you saying that", Jordan said as she looked down.

"And I appreciate you for coming", Hakeem replied. "I'm surprised he let you after what I did"

Tyquez actually didn't know Jordan was coming.

"No problem. But um...I have to go", Jordan said as she stood up. "Be good to yourself okay?"

"Same to you", Hakeem replied.

Jordan walked away and sighed. She was finally starting to feel closure with Hakeem. Things were becoming serious with Tyquez. Jordan couldn't enjoy it because of her guilt of how the relationship started. But after talking to Hakeem she felt better about her relationship with Tyquez continuing.


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