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"Come on Hakeem. You gotta do better man", Jordan said as she lift him up to sit up.

Hakeem called Jordan tonight while he was drunk. He was asking her to come over because he needed her help. His brother, Daryl, was gone for the weekend.

"I can't lift you and take you to the bed, Keem. You have to help me alright?", Jordan said.

Hakeem touched Jordan's cheek.

"Are you happy now?", Hakeem asked. "All I ever wanted you to be was happy"

Jordan didn't say anything. She realized he was drinking because of the divorce. She realized it was something he didn't even really want to happen.

"I will be happy when you can get sober and stay sober okay. So please just get to bed and leave the alcohol alone", Jordan said.

"Do you love him?", Hakeem asked.

"Hakeem please", Jordan said.

"Well fuck him", Hakeem said. "Hope that bitch die"

Jordan looked at Hakeem.

"He make you feel better than I make you feel?", Hakeem asked.

Jordan sighed.

Hakeem grabbed her chin aggressively.

"I asked you a question", Hakeem said.

Jordan jerked away and stood up.

"Either you help me, help you get up or I'm leaving", Jordan said as she felt her chin. He still felt like he was touching it even though he wasn't.

"You still fucking him?", Hakeem asked.

"No. Now just get up alright. I have work in the morning", Jordan said.

"Fuck it. Go. Now I see why you cared about work so fucking much", Hakeem said.

Jordan made a face.

"Keem, I don't know if you noticed but I was the only one working. Bills don't pay themselves", Jordan said.

"I got a job now", Hakeem replied.

"Well...good for you. It's about time", Jordan said with hesitation. 

Hakeem rolled his eyes.

"Look, I brought you some food. I tired to help you get to bed and you are being bipolar right now. I'm tired", Jordan said.

"Then leave", Hakeem said. "Bye"

Jordan shook her head and walked to the door.

" careful alright. Stop drinking and get help", Jordan said.

Hakeem didn't reply.

Jordan sighed and left.

Suddenly, her phone began ringing. The thing is, she left it in the apartment when Hakeem. She didn't know it feel out of her pocket.

WILD THOUGHTS : BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now