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Jordan is currently getting dressed to go to work. She hadn't seen or heard from Hakeem since he left the office. He never came home that night. She tried calling him but he never answered. She was worried because she had no clue what he was doing or where he was.

Suddenly, Jordan heard the door open and a thud.

She rushed to the living room to see Hakeem on the floor and his brother helping him up.

"Get up dawg", Daryl said.



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"I told you...I ain't— I ain't wanna come here", Hakeem said as he slurred his words and stumbled as he walked.

Daryl looked at Jordan and Jordan looked at him.

"I just came because I need some of his stuff. I couldn't leave him alone", Daryl said.

Jordan looked at Hakeem and Hakeem sat on the couch. He didn't look at Jordan.

"I need to talk to you", Daryl said as he walked to Hakeem and Jordan's room.

Jordan followed him.

"So this is what we doing? Cheating on my brother when you know his situation!", Daryl said.

Jordan just listened to him. She didn't respond. She didn't have anything to say. She was wrong.

"...hello?", Daryl said as he waved his hand on her face. "Because my brother talking about killing himself and he almost did last night.

Jordan looked down. She hated to hear that because it was her fault.

"You don't care do you?", Daryl asked.

"Daryl, I don't know what to say. Yes. I was cheating on him and yes I was wrong, okay? I care about Hakeem with every bone in my body", Jordan said.

"If you cared about him, you wouldn't be cheating on him!", Daryl shouted.

"If you were in my shoes for the past two years you'd understand!", Jordan shouted. "Damn...I've been going through hell having to watch him be drunk all of the time. Having to take his insults, having to be married to a man I didn't say "I do" to...yes I've smiled through everything but Hakeem was doing me wrong to the point where somebody else had to make me feel genuinely happy at times", Jordan said. "For two years, I've been by his side. I've been loyal. I've took up for him when he came to what my family had to say. And what do I get? Insults, yelled at, no dates, forgotten birthdays and valentines days, and not to mention that he hit me one time last year...did I wanna cheat? No. I didn't. I felt bad, I felt guilty and ashamed. But at the end of the day I did it"

Daryl shook his head.

"Whatever, Jordan. I don't care. You still fucked up", Daryl said.

"I didn't say I wasn't alright? But let's be real. A woman doesn't even have to be a bad wife for a man to go out and cheat. All we have to do is give y'all a little attitude and less sex and then boom. He's in another bitch's bed. It took me two years of the same stuff! Hakeem didn't plan on getting better alright! And I'm not getting any younger. I got tired, I got fed up. Do I still want him to get better? Yes. Do I still love him? Yes, the sober him. But I'm tired. I want a family. I want my kids to grow up in a stable environment and I don't want them to have to see their dad like that", Jordan said.

"Families ain't picture perfect all the time", Daryl said.

"You're right. I'm not asking for perfect. I'm asking for less toxic. I'm asking for stability and we don't have that", Jordan said.

"If you don't want my brother no more just say that", Daryl said.

"...Daryl...I love your brother. I love him. I tried to be there for him and nurture him but I can't. I can't and I'm tired of the same loop", Jordan said as she started crying. "I work, I cook, I clean, I do the laundry, I make sure he has at least ate something, I make sure he bathes himself, I make sure of everything. I barely get to do things for myself. I'm tired...I'm drained. It's a cycle. A never ending loop and as much as I wanna just say everything is going to be okay like I normally's not. It hasn't been since your mother got cancer and it got worst once she passed away. I get it. He was grieving but I need him to be a man because I cannot do this by myself for the rest of my life. I cannot sit around and watch him damage his liver and he leaves me alone and miserable too soon"

Jordan was finally actually letting stuff out that she didn't really talk about because she always felt like she'd be looked at as a bad wife if she did.

"I mean I could've had a baby. I was pregnant and I mean like Hakeem was drunk when he told me to abort it so it not his fault but...I did anyways because I don't want my baby to see their dad in that predicament", Jordan said. "Not only that but him dying too early and I'm a single mother and widow"

"You know what Jordan...I'm just going to get his stuff and go", Daryl said.

"Wow. So I'm still the bad guy? You know what. I get it. It's your brother", Jordan said. "...his clothes is on the right of the closet"

Daryl walked into the closet.

Jordan sat on the bed and began putting her heels on.

After Daryl got Hakeem's things. They left and so did Jordan so she could go to work.


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