Rewriting the world

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For those who had missed it, last week I changed "Kuroinu: return of the mad wizard" to "Kuroinu: return of the Arcane king" and rewrote the prologue. Check it out if you want and let me know what you think.

Also, sorry for almost half a year of no updates. I've been busy and tried to write, but when I did I either had no energy or it was done and was like "No, I have to rewrite this to make sense with the story I want to tell" (mostly in Kuroinu story)


Third P.O.V:

Centuries had past since the fall of Argent D'Nur. After the fall, your rage had taken over. You did nothing but wander from one battle to the next, with only one objective in mind: destroy the Factions. They had taken everything away from you. Your parents, your "normal" life, your city and lastly but most importantly, those you loved. And you vowed to take everything from them. But what would you do once you were done? Would you go back to your "normal" life? Would you be able to? What did a "normal" life even look like? It didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was here and now. And right now, you were fighting the king of Demons. Or atleast what was left of him now. In the distance, you could see the body of a great Satan named Leviathan impaled on a large piece of wood. A little to your left, the burned body of a great Satan named Asmodeus laid. Behind you, with a crushed head, laid a great Satan named Beelzebub. And beside Beelzebub laid a great Satan name Lucifer, who' whole body had been cleaved in two by your Crucible.

Now the only one who was left was the Demonking, who you now held aloft with your hand around his throat. Atleast, until you squeezed and the sound of his neck being crushed could be heard over the field of dead Devil and Demon bodies.

Y/n P.O.V:

'How disappointing' I thought as I began to walk away from the corpses, their energy now absorbed by me killing them.

Now, having nothing to fight, I began to wander to the next battlefield or supernatural village to slaughter. Whichever I would come across first. After a few steps however, a feeling made me stop in my tracks. Someone was standing behind me. I quickly turned around, only to be met with a older olive skinned man. He had long grey hair, a thick grey beard and brown eyes.

'Hello Y/n' The man said.

'YHWH' I replied.

'You've done me a great deed my child. For that, I shall absolve you of your sins'

Without hesitation, I jumped forward while extending my arm blade and made a slash. Only for God to simply teleport a few feet back.

'What is the source of your anger child?' He asked.

'Fuck you, your omniscient, you already know!' I yelled as I took out my plasma gun and opened fire, only for it to stop firing while I didn't intend it to do so.

'Yes, but I want you to say it' He said as I put away my weapons, seeing as they were not going to be of much use.

There was a long tense silence.

'Was it the fall off-'

'It was the fall of Argent D'Nur! Nailed it like the Romans did your son on the fucking cross!' I yelled as I went to punch.

Within a instant, as he was taken aback by my use of words, my fist connected with his face, causing him to fly back. Before he could hit the ground, I quickly made a portal to my pocket dimension appear behind him. The moment God entered my pocket dimension, it began to drain his raw power. I knew he was struggling to get out, but it was no use. After a good 10 minutes of my pocket dimension fully draining his power, I knew he had no power anymore. And so, I killed him with my Pocket dimension. After that I threw to corpse from the dimension, if you could even call it a corpse anymore.

'What a worthless God' I thought before I began to wander once more, meanwhile converting God's raw power into something usable. Sadly however, not all of the power could be converted, leaving me with no option but to store it within my dimension.

The next few decades I continued to wander from place to place, killing wherever I went without stopping. And in my time wandering, I noticed something, or rather the lack of something. Humans. No matter where I looked, here were no Humans to be seen.

'Is this what it has become of us?' I thought while I cleaved the last Fallen in two. 'Either working for one of the Factions or death? No, I won't accept it' I thought as I decided to make use of the unconverted power I acquired a few decades back.

I made a smal portal in the air before sticking my hand in it. As I did, I could feel the power of God immediately latching onto me. After a good moment of agonizing pain, I had fully absorbed the power. Within a second, using the power, I thought of the best course of action. I didn't want my extermination of the factions to have been for nothing, so universal time travel was out of the question. What was a option however, was turning only the Human world back, and letting the other planes remain as they were. And so I did just that. In my mind, I focused on turning the Human world back to the state of the 10th century. As I did, I could feel my muscles tense and all my energy being drained.

50% of my energy remained.

25% of my energy remained.

10% of my energy remained.

5% of my energy remained.

Until only 2% procent remained. Not even enough to keep me conscious.

Third P.O.V:

As you fell to the ground, one last thought entered your mind.

'If only Laura was here to give me some strength, if only she and the others weren't dead'

And with that last conscious thought, you hit the ground. As you laid there unconscious however, a little bit of God's power, 1%, left your body. Within seconds it went over the now once more 10th century Human world, splitting off into multiple parts before going into multiple coffins and reviving multiple bodies. Even though it was not enough to wake them and it would take fresh air to do so, they were, in a sense, alive once more.

Meanwhile with you, as you laid on the ground motionless with only 1% of your power, the sound of multiple footsteps could be heard as the now leaders and guards of the three remaining factions came too imprison you seeing as killing you would still leave your soul. And so they did. Taking you somewhere of this world, somewhere where you remain.

For now.

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