Too late

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Third P.O.V:

Defeated, Kokabiel hang in the Vanishing-Dragon's left arm, one of his wings missing as said Dragon had ripped it out from Kokabiel's back. In the Vanishing-Dragon's right, the priest known as Freed also hang, defeated.

Currently, the two Sacred Gears talked to each other. And as they did, Kokabiel struggled to remain concious.

"You're too late"

The words quietly left his mouth, yet to the Gremory peerage and the Vanishing-Dragon it was nothing more then the ramblings of a defeated madman.

"Doom will-"

And then he lost consciousness.

♦ ♦ ♦

The stars shone brightly as True Nephalem flew over the surface, her wings flapping ever so often to keep her aloft. For a minute, Laura flew before landing on the rock like surface before taking out the parchment they got from Kokabiel. After confirming it was the spot, she put the parchment away before kneeling and putting one hand one the ground and-

Carbonaceous chondrites shot up into space as Laura forced it out of the way, leaving only a crater before her and revealing a sarcophagus decorated with Demonic and Angelic symbols. A smirk made it way onto her face as she made her way towards it, a happy skip in her pace as she did.

"Darling~, Darling~, Darling~, Darling~!" She sang before throwing herself with a grin onto the coffin and hugging it. "I've missed you so much. Even with the others around, it's just not the same without you."

As she looked up, she could see the red surface of Mars.

"Who would have thought they would put you all the way out here, on Phobos! One of the moons of Mars! Anyway, I should bring you back, the others are dying to see you too." She said with a grin on her face before teleporting the sarcofhagus and herself back home.

♦ ♦ ♦

Y/n P.O.V:

This was true torture. How long has it been? Decades? Centuries? Millennia? Or perhaps even Aeons? In truth I did not know. Al I knew now was darkness. No matter whether I opened or closed my eyes -could I even open them?-, my vision was only  filled with darkness. And that, that only left me with one thing. Something that nearly drove me insane. My own thoughts.

For what is a better prison then one's own thoughts? They can drive one mad. Maybe I am mad? Or perhaps I had already been mad ever since the Crimson-Red haired Devil killed me. Perhaps, perhaps not. I did not know. For one can not now if they are mad themselves, for to them the illogical is logical. No, only a outside observer could determen if a person was mad.

But then again, who was to say they were not mad themselves? After all, one's world view is only determent by one's perception on live. For example, Atheist have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as the supernatural. Yet, the fact that I commited genocide to said supernatural would be enough proof to prove the opposite. But yet again, who is to say this is all true? Who is to say this is not the fantasy from the mind of a teenager who's mind is racing before their death. Before their aunt, mother and even himself die in a car crash. Perhaps, perhaps not. Who's to say?

'I'm so bored. I can't move, I can't breath and I'm starving. I want to get out. I want to live. I want to kill. I WANT WAR! GENOCIDE! To kill all those who hurt me, to make them suffer like they did me! I want, I want, I WANT-


To not suffer anymore. To return to how my life was before I became a Devil. Before I became the imbodyment of Doom. I want to be loved and to love. To no longer suffer. I want- I want to die.

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