Project Kaede

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Third P.O.V:

Currently outside the facility of the rogue branches, two guards guarding the enterance are having a conversation about recent events.

Devil guard: "Have you heard? Apparently one of the project has escaped the facility"

Fallen guard: "Really? Which one?"

Devil guard: "Apparently project Oni broke out of confinement"

Fallen guard: "How did it manage that?"

Devil guard: "I heard it had help from two of your kind, two Fallen. They managed to capture one of the Fallen but the other escaped with the project. They send a few Demons, Devils and Fallen after them but they haven't heard anything from them"

Fallen guard: "I hope they find it before the Factions do. If they find out what is happening here, were fucked"

Devil guard: "Or worse, the Doom Slayer finds it. Imagine if he got his hands on it. Or any of the other projects for that matter"

Fallen guard: "We would be so screwed"

Suddenly the Devil guard's attention is drawn towards something approaching the facility

Devil guard: "What's that?" He asks pointing in the distance.

As the Fallen looks where the Devil is pointing, he sees you approatching.

Fallen guard: "S-shit, it's the Slayer!" The fallen says, looking at his Devil companion.


He can't finish his sentance as his whole head is blown to pieces. As the Fallen turns to face your direction, he is met with a Combat Shotgun to his face.

Fallen guard: "H-h-hey man, I don't want any trouble" He says as he raises his hands in the air.

Y/n: "Where is the captured Fallen?" You ask, both your face and voice devoid of any emotion.

Fallen guard: "I-I-I don't know ma-"

Before he can finish his sentece, you grab him by the collar and punch him in the face.

Y/n: "WHERE!" You say, this time with more malicious intent behind your words.

Fallen guard: "I don't kno-"



As you let your emotions slip, the fallen can now see the absolute rage and murderous intent in your eyes, sending a shiver down his spine from the absolute fear of you.

Fallen: "Somewhere inside! I don't know where!" He says, tears streaming down his face as he does.

Y/n: "Useless" You say as throw him to the side, shoot him in the head and begin to walk to the entrance. 

As you walk up to the door, you notice something on the side of the door. You walk over to it and see that it's a magic circle. You recognize it as a hand recognition system.

Y/n: 'Huh, seems like those guards are useful for something after all'

You walk towards the body of the Devil and drag it over to the pannel. You put his hand against the circle and after a few seconds, the door opens.

Y/n: 'Huh, neat' You think as you walk inside.

As the door closes behind you, you suddenly hear a female voice ring throughout the facility.

High school DxD: Doom (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now