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Third P.O.V:

We see a Devil crawling away from something while blood flows from where her wings used to be. Around her lay thousands of dead Angels, Fallen, Devils, Demons and Human worshippers. Suddenly a large shadow falls over her as she hears the loading of a shotgun. The Devil looks back to see you walking towards her, super shotgun in hand.

Devil: "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" She screams as she begins to crawl faster.

While panting from exhaustion, you walk towards her and aim your shotgun at her head. The Devil looks back at you and sees you looming over her with the shotgun aimed at her head. Seeing that there is no way out she stops crawling as tears begin to flow.

Devil: "P-please, I don't want to die. I have a-" *BOOM*

The Devil can't finish her sentance as you simply shoot her in the head.

Y/n P.O.V:

As I shoot the last Devil in the head I almost fall to my knees from exhaustion. I have been fighting the Factions for I think about a two days without stopping once. They all eventually fled when they saw how many they were losing. I  un-summon my shotgun, pull my hood down and take off my mask showing my H/l H/c hair and S/c skin. I pull out my water bag and take a big swig. I suddenly hear a laughing to my right. I quickly summon my shotgun and aim it to my right, only to see a Angel with broken wings and blood coming out of the corners of his mouth.

Angel: "Would you look at that. A Human. *Laughs before coughing blood* Our armies got defeated by a mere Human. Tell me Human, who taught you to fight like that? It was almost like you knew how we fought"

I simply walk towards him and point the shotgun at his face while keeping a emotionless face.

Y/n: "My girlfriend" I say before I shoot him in the face, sending pieces of his face flying.

Issei P.O.V:

I was currently sitting in class, thinking about my future harem.

Issei: 'Oh man. With Y/n gone, his gilfriend will be single again! Now I can add her too to my harem!'

Suddenly the teacher walks in and stands before the class.

Ms. Masago : "Okay class. I know what happend this Saturday is a tragedy, but class needs to go on. *Random boy raises his hand* Yes Ishiba?"

Ishiba: "What happend Saturday? I was sick Monday"

Ms. Masago: "Well for all of you who don't know, Y/n L/n has been reported missing and is pressumed dead after they found a large puddle of blood with his DNA in a alleyway" She says with a said face.

Most of the studends hang there heads in sadness, except for a few boys (including me) who almost seem or are delighted by his disappearance.

Matsuda: "Aww yeah! Less competition!"

Motohama: "With him gone, his hot girlfriend will be up for grabs!"

Matsuda: "Speaking of her, where is she actually? I haven't seen her all day?

I look around but don't see her anywhere.

Issei: "Aww man, I was so hoping to see her boobs!"

Suddenly me, Matsuda and Motohama are hit from behind, launched across the room and crash into a wall. As I look back to see who launched us, I see a girl with white skin, dark brown hair and green eyes standing there.

Enoma: "You guys are discusting! Y/n presumably died, Laura is probably in despair and you want to go after Laura?! I hope you three will rott in Hell!"

The girls and some boys begin to cheer her on before suddenly a large part of the Kendo club gathers around us and begin to beat us.

Third P.O.V:

Meanwhile somewhere in a apartment in Kuoh we see a girl in a fetal position sitting on her bed. Tears roll down her face while she looks out of a window as the rain hits against the window. She has fair and light skin complexion, slender and athletic figure, and is 170cm tall. She had waist-length, long pink hair with straight bangs covering her forehead and a pair of red horns on her head. She had sharp, cyan eyes with rings around the pupils and pinkish-red eyeliner.

 She had sharp, cyan eyes with rings around the pupils and pinkish-red eyeliner

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Laura: "I'm sorry Y/n." She says as tears roll down her face.

She looks at her reflection in the window and lift up her lips to show her fangs.

Laura: "I'm just a monster, aren't I? A good for nothing monster who coudn't even protect her boyfriend from being betrayed by that bitch!" She says as she buries her face in her knees and cries.

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