Dream or Nighmare?

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This is not idea, this idea came from @babyrin379 and I thought why not make it a chapter.


Rias P.O.V

Issei and I were alone in the ORC, talking about how he could be more efficient in giving out flyers. As were talking I notice Issei doesn't only listens to me.

Rias: "Is something wrong Issei? Your being awfully quiet" I ask concerned.

Suddenly, Issei grabs me and presses himself against me. His breathing rapid and hot.

Issei: "Rias, I can't hold it in any longer. I always talk about wanting to be Harem King, but what I really want, is you"

Rias: "Oh Issei"

Issei "Oh Rias"

He then kisses me passionately. We quickly begin to make out before Issei pushes me against my desk and begins to explore my body. As I look him in the eyes I see the lust and passion behind them, asking for permission to go all out

Rias: "Ravage me you beast. Make me yours" I say, no longer able to restrain my urges.

As we go back to making out and touching each other's private parts, suddenly the door opens. Akeno, Knoneko and Kiba suddenly all come running through the door. All of them out of breath while sweat drips of there faces. Koneko quickly grabs any nearby furniture and barricades the door while Kiba and Akeno carfully watch out the windows while hiding behind the walls next to them. I quickly push Issei of me, adjust my clothes and make my way to Akeno, who looks terrified.


Before I even finish talking, she turns to me, grabs me by the collar of my shirt and looks me dead in the eyes.

Akeno: "R-rias, h-he's back! W-we tried to stop him, but everything we did to him he just shrug of like it was nothing! HE'S HAS BECOME A MONSTER RIAS! A MONSTER!"


Suddenly I watch as a bullet goes through the window and tears trough her shoulder, tearing it to shreds and splash blood all over my clothes. Akeno screams in terror, pain and a little bit of pleasure. I quickly pull her away from the window and behind one of the couches. Koneko, Kiba and Issei also quickly hide behind the couch, waiting for my orders. As I look at Akeno's shoulder I see that it's completely useless now. I can see the now jagged bone of her shoulder blade and upper arm bone. As I'm about to throw up, something slams agains the door.

Rias: 'Right now is not the time to panic, I must stay calm and collected' I think as I quickly collect my thoughts "Koneko, Kiba, who is out there?" I ask as commanding as I can before I hear another slam against the door, moving some of the furniture.

As I turn to face them, I see on both of them the same expression that Akeno has, utter terror.

Koneko: "H-he's back Rias, and he wants t-to kill us" She says as she looks back at the door terrified.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind the door.

???: "This won't do. Oh well, time to bring in the big guns"

The voice, it sounds familiar but I can't quite place it.


Suddenly the door is door is shattered with a giant explotion which causes me to cover my eyes to protect them. As I open our eyes again I look at the door only to see nothing but smoke. Then I hear footsteps before hearing the voice again.

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