Night sentinals

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Y/n P.O.V:

I sat on a cliff overlooking a bloody battlefield while eating some meat as I thought about what I discovered about myself the last few months.

Y/n: 'I have been killing for over what I think is about four months. In those four months I have noticed a few things about myself. I can survive without food or water. I still feel hunger and dehydration but I can survive without it. I don't have a need for sleep and my body quickly became more muscular. I was a little muscular before thanks to Laura, but I got fucking ripped after only two months'

Y/n: 'I also am able to draw some sort of energie form the Factions

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Y/n: 'I also am able to draw some sort of energie form the Factions. From Devils (Who I found are weaker than Demons) en Demons I draw a pinkish-orange color, from Angels a whitish blue color and from Fallen a blackish purple color. With this energie I'm able to reload my weapons and heal myself. This energie seems to be the cause of being able to upgrade my weapons inside my pocket dimension'

I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as I notice a few Human energy signatures coming up the hill towards me. I quickly put my food inside my pocket dimension, summon my Plasma rifle and take aim. I watch as three warriors appear and walk in my direction. As soon as the notice me they stop and raise there hands upwards in a defensive position.

 As soon as the notice me they stop and raise there hands upwards in a defensive position

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Knight 1: "Please, we mean you no harm! We just came to talk!"

Knight 2: "Were not with any of the Factions!"

I lower my weapon a bit and examine them. They seem to be wearing 10th century armor and have a sword, shield and spear on them. Suddenly the three knight take out there swords. I quickly aim my weapon at them again ready to shoot them. But they quickly spin there swords in there hand, plant it in the ground and kneel before me.

Knights: "With your permission, oh mighty Doom slayer, us knights would be honored to pledge our allegiance to you" They say as they bow there heads.

I stand there, baffled. 

Y/n: 'They want to pledge there allegiance to me?! Why the fuck would they want that?!'

I quickly compose myself and lower my weapon.

High school DxD: Doom (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now