Fight like hell

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Third Person P.O.V:

On the floor of ORC, a boy with H/c hair and E/c eyes laid, slowly bleeding to death from a wound in his stomach. Around him were a group of females. The boy, known as Y/n L/n, looks up at his former friends.

Y/n: "Why? Why would you do this?!" He asked with venom in his voice

Rias: "Simple really, we found someone with a Sacred gear that's more powerful and useful than your Pocket Dimension magic. I have no use for you anymore"

Y/n: "I knew that there was something wrong when you just happend to walk by when I was dying"

Rias: "Indeed your quite clever, I give you that. Let's see your replacement shall we? Oh Issei~"

You watch as a boy about 170 cm (5 feet 7 inches) tall walk in view. He has short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. He also wears a Kuoh Academy boys'school uniform.

Issei: "You called Rias" he says with a grin.

Y/n: "Your replacing me with that? hahahaHAHAHAHA, what a joke!"

At this Rias becomes visibly upset.

Rias: "I already have your pawn piece. I have no need for you anymore" She says as she begins to cast a spell.

Y/n: "Mark my words Rias Gremory, I'll fucking kill you! I'LL FUCKING RIP YOU APART!"

As she finishes casting the spell, you are teleported somewhere else. As you look around, you don't recognize anything.

-Back with ORC-

Akeno: "Where did you send him Rias?"

Rias: "I send him far back in time"

Kiba: "How far?"

Rias : "I send him to the time of the Great War between the Three Factions"

-Back with you-

You are currently drinking from a lake that you found and dragged yourself to. Leaving a trail of blood behind you.

Y/n: 'I need to stop the bleeding. I need to-'

You can't finish your thought as a insufrible pain goes through your body. Your vains begin to glow a pinkish-orange color as you scream out in pain before you black out.


Y/n P.O.V:

Y/n: "What the fuck happend?" I ask myself as I begin to stand up. 'Wait, I'm standing up, witout pain'

As I look down I don't see any wounds. Just a scar across my abdomen. I look around as to what could have done this, my eyes land on the far end of the lake that previously was out of sight. I see a pinkish-orange colar portal that leads to what only can be described as Hell. I also notice that there is a small flow of the same pinkish-orange color flowing from the portal into the lake.

Y/n: 'What on earth is that?'

???: "Hey you!" I hear suddenly behind me.

I turn around and face two Angels in armor with swords.

???: "Identify yourself" He says as both Angels draw there swords.

Y/n: "My name is Y/n, I'm a human, I think"

???: "What do you mean, you think?"

Y/n: "Well, I used to be a Devil but-" I can't finish my sentance as one of the Angels swings his sword at me.

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