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Third P.O.V:

In the land of Iraq, a military convoy consisting of four armored vehicles with a armored in truck the middle rode from a archaeological site back to their base over the dusty road. Sitting in the back of the truck were four archaeologists with about eight military personel, four on each side of the archaeologists. The most noticeable thing however, was the large metal coffin with surrounded with chains in the middle of the cargo bed on the floor.

 The most noticeable thing however, was the large metal coffin with surrounded with chains in the middle of the cargo bed on the floor

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"What do you think what's inside Ben?" The female archaeologist asked excitedly.

"Uhm, a mummy? What else would be inside Jazmin?" Ben responded jokingly.

"Yeah, no shit jackass" One of the other Archaeoligists named Corbett said. "She means what as in, maybe it's a king or a ancient warrior from ancient mesopotamia or something like that"

"Can you all be quiet?" The fouth Archaeoligist asked tiredly as she said slumped on her chair with her feet on the coffin. "We have been buisy the whole day trying to dig up this thing and I'm trying to get some rest, thank you very much" She said as she put her head more over her eyes.

As Jasmin saw that she had her feet on the coffin, she quickly lifted her colleague's feet of the coffin and threw them off.


"Keep your feet of the artefact Natasha" Jasmin said sternly. "You'll damage the coffin"

"Fine" Natasha said dismissively.

Suddenly the sound of four explosions rang from outside the cargo bed, only to directly be followed by the truck swirling from left to right before coming to a sudden stop. As the Truck came to a stop, multiple gunshots and screams could be heared from outside.

"Everyone get down!" One of the soldiers yelled as all the soldiers readied their weapons and aimed at the door.

As they all aimed at the door, one of the soldiers grabbed their radio.

"What is going on out there?!" The soldier shouted into the radio.

However, there came no answer.

"Does anyone copy?!" The sodier Asked again, only to get the same responce.

Suddenly, the sound of metal being teared could be heared as two black claws dug in through the sealing while vines came through the floor. The vines almost seemed alive as they began to strangle multible soldiers while the claws ripped a hole in the roof, only to reveal a human female in black armor wielding two beretta 92Fs inox's.

 The vines almost seemed alive as they began to strangle multible soldiers while the claws ripped a hole in the roof, only to reveal a human female in black armor wielding two beretta 92Fs inox's

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Before anyone can react, she aimed her pistols and opend fire, wounding everyone.

"Stay down if you value your lives" A deep female voice spoke as multiple vines wraped around the coffin and began to lift it out of the cargo bed.

"Open fire!" The soldier yelled before every soldier did so.

However, it did not seem to have any effect on the woman as the bullets seemed to be absorbed as they hit.

"Have it your way" The female said before opening fire on everyone except the archaeologists who were hiding in a corner.

"Clear" The female said before a female with a mask and black hair appeared behind the woman and whisperd something to her.

The woman turned and walked away, only for the black haired female to look at the archaeologists.

"It's best you don't remember this" A deep and distorted voice said before her eyes lit up red as all the archaeologist fell unconscious.

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