What is your Sacred Gear

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Third P.O.V:

Kalawarner: 'Why? Why on earth do we have to work with those two Fallen? They are only causing us trouble and we don't need them anymore, the girl is already here. And why do we need to pretend to be some Fallen again? I mean, I get it, pretending to be less powerfull and stuff, but it is so fucking infuriating!' She thinks as she flies towards the airport.

As she flies over the streets of Kuoh, she suddenly spots a certain brown haired boy walking with his bike in hand.

Kalawarner: 'My my, if it isn't That little perv' She thinks as she lands on a rooftop and folds her wings. 'Didn't Ray say that Laura said that we should see what Sacred Gear he has?' She thinks as she grabs her phone and calls Raynare before putting the phone to her ear while watching Issei walk down the street.

Raynare: "Yes?"

Kalawarner: "Ray, it's me. Listen, didn't Laura say that we should find out what the perv's Sacred Gear is?"

Raynare: "Yes, why are you asking?"

Kalawarner: "Well, I'm currently watching the perv walking down the street with no one around. I could go down there and find out what it is, but it could cause some problems down the line. What do you think I should do?"

Raynare let's out a sigh.

Raynare: "Just go for it. That idiot Dohnaseek already made us already known by trying to kill the perv yesterday and revealing information about us to them, so they know that we are here already. About half  a fucking year of hiding down the drain thanks to that fucking pedo" She whispers to herself in annoyance.

At this Kalawarner closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

Kalawarner: "Why the fuck do we keep them around Ray? Can't we atleast get rid of the fucking Pedofile?"

Raynare: "As much as I would love to kill him, if we want to maintain the alliance with that vampire rip-off, we need to keep them around." She says in a annoyed.

Kalawarner: "Fine, but if they're in trouble, I won't help them" She says as she opens her eyes and looks back towards Issei

Raynare: "You and me both babe. Anyway, I'll send Mittelt to wait at the airport for the girl"

Kalawarner: "Thank you~" She says as she hangs up the phone and jumps down to the street.

As Kalawarner walks down the street towards Issei she puts up a purple barrier to keep unwanted people out. As she puts up the barrier, Issei suddenly feels a shiver go up his spine.

Issei: "This feeling! It's just like last time!" He says in shock as he turns around to see Kalawarner walking towards him.

Kalawarner: "Shouldn't you be dead?" She asks as she spreads her black wings.

Issei: "A Fallen Angel! Do you and that guy work together? I already told him I'm not a stray!" He says as he puts up his hand and shows his palm with the Gremory symbol on it.

Kalawarner: "I really don't care" She says with a monotone voice as she makes a light-spear in her right hand before throwing it towards him.

Issei quickly dives to his left, avoiding the light-spear but landing face first on the street in the process. Issei stands back up only to feel a light-spear go right through his left leg, making him fall back on his ass.

Issei: 'This bitch is going to kill me! What am I gonna do?! No! That power they said I have! I need to figure out how to use it!' He thinks as he begins to think back to what Rias said.

Rias: "Focus on the part of you that you feel is strongest"

Issei: "If you don't believe me, I'll pull a Goku and go full dragon on your ass!"

Rias: "Just imagine it"

Issei: "Dragon wave!"

Issei: "Power... GIVE ME POWER!" He screams as he puts his left hand in the air.

As he does, the area is being light up as a green jewel forms on the back of his hand before a fingerless gauntlet forms around the jewel and Issei's hand and wrist. As the area is being light up, Kalawarner puts up a hand in front of her eyes to protect her from the bright light. As the power begins to come down she looks at her clothes, only see that they are ripped to shreds.

Kalawarner: "You motHERFUCKER! YOU RIPPED MY CLOTHES! GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON TO NOT DRIVE A SPEAR THROUGH YOUR STOMACH RIGHT NOW!" She screams in anger as she forms a light-spear in her hand.

???: "Because then you will have to deal with me" A voice says from behind Issei.

As Issei looks back he sees the rest of the Gremory peerage standing behind him. Kalawarner puts away her light-spear and begins to inhale and exhale deeply to try and calm herself down before she obliterates the group.

Kalawarner: "You know what? Fuck this, I don't need this. I got better things to do" She says as she teleports away to Raynare.

As she appears in the church, Raynare is sitting on one of the benches, playing a game on her phone.

Raynare: "How did it go?" She asks, still looking her game.

Kalawarner: "It would seem that the perv has a powerfull Sacred Gear, the Boosted Gear" She says as she looks at Raynare with worry.

Raynare: "Oh" She says in a bored tone as she continues to play her game. 

Being done, Kalawarner grabs Raynare's phone and throws it away, shattering against the wall.

Raynare: "Hey!" She says annoyed as she looks at the phone being shattered before looking at Kalawarner.

Kalawarner: "WOULD YOU PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUS!" She says, looking Raynare in the eyes.

Without taking her eyes off Kalawarner, Raynare holds out her hand. As she does, the pieces of the phone begin to float towards it before reassembling in her hand and turning on again.

Raynare: "Calm down, it's going to be fine" She says as she begins to look through her phone.

Kalawarner: "He has the Boosted Gear Ray! How is everything going to be fine?!"

As Raynare finds what she was looking for, she shows Kalawarner. As Kalawarner sees what's on the phone, she relaxes.

Kalawarner: "Are they coming this way?" She says as she sits down besides Raynare.

Raynare: "Yes" She says before looking Kalawarner up and down. "What the Hell happend to your clothes?"

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