New plan

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Third P.O.V:

Raynare: "What do you mean you don't have the girl?!" She screamed in anger over the phone.

Mittelt: "I-I didn't see her at the a-airport. S-she must have missed the flight or something" She answerd with fear.

Raynare: "No she didn't. You know why? Because she CALLED ME BEFORE SHE BOARDED THE FUCKING PLANE!"

Mittlet: "I-I swear, I can fix this" She proclaims desperately.

Raynare: "Don't bother, I will fix this myself" She snarls before she hangs up the phone.

As she hangs up the phone she turns towards Kalawarner who is sitting on one of the benches while filing her nails.

Raynare: "It would seem that that arrogant brat lost the girl" She says annoyed.

Kalawarner: "I heard. So, are we going or what?" She asks as she puts her file away and unfolds her grey wings.

Raynare too unfolds her grey wings before they both fly out of the church into the broad daylight. As they fly over the city, Kalawarner flies closer to Raynare.

Kalawarner: "So how are we going to find her?" She asks curiously.

Raynare: "She has the Sacred Gear Twilight Healing. If we focus on her power, we should be able to find her" She says as she begins to search for Twilight Healing.

Kalawarner: "If she has such a powerfull Sacred Gear, then why is she banished from the Church?" She says as she looks around.

Raynare: "From what I understand, she was banished because she healed a Devil. Most likely because those self-righteous white Doves didn't like it when someone helped someone else besides them. Most likely using the excuse "to perserve there pure nature" or some bullshit like that" She says as she notices the power of Twilight Healing and flies in the direction of the source, leaving Kalawarner to fly behind her.

Kalawarner: "You know, this is a great view~" She says with a flirty tone as she looks at Raynare's ass.

Raynare: "Maybe after were done" She answers in a sultry tone.

As Raynare flies in the direction of the source, she suddenly notices a small Demonic power near Twilight healing. As she approaches the Asia she sees a certain pervert with her. Raynare stops in mid air, allowing Kalawarner to catch up and stop besides her.

Raynare: "It would seem that a certain Demonic pervert has found her before us" She says irritated as she points at Issei talking with Asia.

As Kalawarner looks where Raynare is pointing, her eyes land on Issei.

Kalawarner: "Oh great! The perv is here! Now that fucking period haired bat will know that there is someone in town who has a Sacred Gear!" She says with anger before turning towards Raynare. "Why can't we just kill those stupid rip-off bats and be done with them?!"

Raynare: "1: If we were to kill them, that would attract the attention of those Devil kings and that would hinder us while searching for the others. And 2: I don't think Y/n would like it if we would kill them. I think he would want to kill them personaly" She says with a sadistic grin as she looks at Issei.

Kalawarner: "Okay, but then how are we going to deal with this? I mean, he is definately going to tell the tomato" She asks as she flies right above Asia and Issei, not casting a shadow as she does so.

Raynare thinks for a moment before a idea pups up in her mind.

Raynare: "So you know how we need to turn a worshipper of God into a Devil to break the next seal right?"

Kalawarner: "Yeah, so?" 

Raynare: "How about we let the red bitch do it for us?" She asks before Kalawarner looks at her.

Kalawarner: "But then how are we going to turn her back into a Human? I don't think that the red Bat is going to let that happen without a fight. Not that we can't take them, but then the Devil Kings will know of us right?" She asks as she flies back to Raynare.

Raynare: "And what are they going to do? Try to stop us? Like they could match up to either Laura or one of us for that matter" She says as she crosses her arms with confidence wile Asia and Issei begin to walk away.

Kalawarner: "Text Laura about it, see how she feels about it" She says as she begins to follow them.

Raynare: "Fine" She says, rolling her eyes before she takes out her phone and texts Laura.

As she texts Laura Kalawarner quickly flies back and slaps Raynare's ass.

Kalawarner: "Oh and by the way, And that ass is mine tonight~" She says in a sultry tone while trying to sound dominant.

Raynare: "You know, you might not be as dominat as them-" She says before she kisses Kalawarner, dominating her.

The kiss lasts for several seconds before Raynare brakes the kiss, leaving a string of saliva between them.

Raynare: "-but atleast you try" She says as she puts her phone away and flies after Asia and Issei.

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