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Having taken your personal revange, you and your generals set forth onto the supernatural world. In your crusade, none were safe. The first to fall were the Factions, in the order of Devils, Fallen and finally Angels. Then you moved onto the Youkai and various other supernatural beings on the Earth. Some begged and bargained for you to spare them, yet you showed no mercy. As you were fighting them, two groups calling themselves the Hero faction and the Kaos Brigade showed up, proclaiming they would stop you. Yet they were no match for your and your generals might as you slaughtered them all. Next you targeted the Gods of various religions, who had decided to retreat into their own realms. This part of your crusade took the longest as you had to move from realm to realm, invading each one as you went. In the end, the amount of beings you slaughtered were incalculable.

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I climbed the pile, it's peak already in sight.

'Was I justified? What gave me the right to kill all those beings? Or was I just a violent hypocrite? Sure, it would be easy to argue that I was just another hypocrite. I condemned their violence only to meet them with violence of my own. But is that not how the world works? Nature is violence. Eat or be eaten kill or be killed. Yet-' As I looked to my left, not only did I look right into the eyes of the skull of a god, besides them was another of a child. 'I went way beyond nature. Unlike nature I targeted with malicious intent, killing everyone. Male or female, healthy or sick, young or old.'

With putting my fingers into the eye sockets I pulled myself up, further up the pile. Closer to the top.

'What if things had been different? Could I have made friends? A normal life once more? Or perhaps this was destined to be? Perhaps I was nothing more then a murderer, justified only by seeking revenge. After all, that was all I was about right? Revenge on Gremory, revenge on the scientists, revenge on the Factions and revenge  on the supernatural. Was there even anything left but revenge? Or was I now just a shallow man, fueled by it? Well, I guess we will find out now won't we?'

As I reached the top I was all alone. No enemies, Human, generals or any other beings for that matter. Only a cloudy sky and a burning city before me. There were no more screams, only the sound of woord crackling as their houses burned. As I looked at the massacre before me before sitting down on the pile of bones.

Looking around, as there was almost no supernatural being left, there was only one thing I could proclaim. Something I had eagerly looked forward to yet at the same time dreaded.

"I win"


This has been a journey. I really want to thank each and every one of you (weather you came later or were here when I started) for reading my book and I hope you all enjoyed it. I really could not have made this without you as I would probably stopped some time ago.

I especially would like to thank BlueBolt990 for providing me with his art for the story.

Now that this one is done, I can work on other books and ideas like Highschool DxD: A writer and his books, Fate Apocrypha: a strange magus, Overlord: Rise of the Dragon king or/and Kuroinu: The Arcane king.

Thank you all very much for reading and I'll see you all next time.

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