Take your punishment [M]

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Thank you sweet kookminsc for prompting me! I hope you'll like it.

If you have any wishes or prompts you'd like to see me write, do dm me and we can talk about it! It might result in more frequent oneshots :D

Jungkook doesn't think this is a good idea at all.

He and Jimin, his boyfriend of almost seven years, were invited to a high school reunion a few months back, and Jungkook wasn't very keen on the idea even back then. But because he would do absolutely anything for Jimin, he accepted the invitation after his pretty boyfriend pouted so cutely and tugged at his tattooed arm.

Jungkook doesn't really care to meet all the people he had to be around at an age where he thought being an emo gamer was somehow cool and mysterious. And well, he wasn't much of a socializer.

But the biggest reason he would rather spend this Saturday in bed with his lover and not with people who had seen him wear the same hoodie for a week straight is the fact that none of them know him and their class's sweetheart are dating and very much in love. He imagines that information would stir up the whole event.

The man had always had his eye on Jimin, who even in high school had been so kind and beautiful and sexy and ugh! Jungkook had always been so awkward. Jimin talked to everyone in class, so of course, the two of them had talked a little. Well, Jimin had done most of the talking while Jungkook tried his best not to stutter.

Little did he know Jimin also liked him. When they graduated, the month younger boy ran up to him. Jungkook had been so shocked when the other confessed to him. To him. He was just a loner. But Jimin said he was more than that. And they had been inseparable ever since. The two of them moved to Seoul for university, brushing off the dust of Busan and their high school.

"Can't we just cancel?" Jungkook huffs as he does the buttons of his floral t-shirt. He could button it up all the way but decides to leave it open to display the necklace Jimin had gotten him for his birthday a year back. And maybe his boyfriend also likes to see his built chest.

"But Jungkook-ah!" Jimin's voice echoes from the bathroom before a head of blond hair peeks through the door. "I wanna see them! You promised!" And there is the pout again. Jungkook's heart is so weak for this man.

"I know, I know, sorry." He returns his gaze to the mirror in front of him and fixes his hair. Jungkook can't help but feel a bit anxious about all of this, and he knows exactly why. Because everybody likes Jimin, but they don't like him. He never really befriended any of his classmates, and he feels like he will be left on the sidelines as Jimin talks to all his friends.

Jimin steps out of the bathroom, clad in a flowy shirt that is tucked into tight pants. He has dabbled some makeup on, Jungkook notices. "You look beautiful, Jimin-ah," he says, reaching for his jewelry box to fill in all his piercings, including the one on his eyebrow. His tattoo sleeve is on full display as well. Jungkook wishes he could tell his younger self he will look cool in the future.

"Thank you," Jimin chimes, rising on his tiptoes to press a kiss on the older male's cheek. His dangly earrings tickle Jungkook's neck as the blond nuzzles into him. "Let's go!" he says, wrapping his fingers around the other's forearm. "Mom said she'll be going out tonight with her friends and won't be home," he then continues, voice turning into a whisper as he squeezes the raven's arm.

They had driven to Busan the day before and are now staying with Jimin's mother who was all too happy to accommodate her son and Jungkook. She likes him a lot.

Jungkook looks at his boyfriend, eyes flickering down to his plump lips which the man wets with his tongue. He lifts his gaze back to Jimin's eyes and the younger giggles. They leave with an unspoken promise of a good time.

Jikook smuts and fluffs [oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now