Of Cats and Dogs [M]

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This is like the third hybrid au I've ever written. I had the pleasure of staying in a house with a (big) puppy and two cats, one of them still a young one and oh the ruckus they made... I fell in love with the kitten though, I miss her so much :(

The one thing Jimin hoped for when he went to university was that he could room with his best friend, Taehyung. They had always gotten perfectly along with each other and the tiger hybrid, well, was a feline. Felines were the best kind. Jimin himself was a cat hybrid.

So, imagine Jimin's shock when he didn't get to room with his tiger bestie, but a dog. A dog. A dog.

Jimin didn't necessarily like dogs. Sure, a couple of his friends were canine hybrids, but rooming with a strange dog sounded horrible.

Apparently, there had been some kind of mistake with the rooms and Jimin had been accidentally set up with the dog, and the preparations had already been taken too far for the school to be able to switch things up.

"We can change it up next year," Jimin sneered, recalling the voice of the counselor. He was carrying a big cardboard box.

"Maybe he's nice! You never know. Maybe he's as nice as Namjoon hyung, he's a dog." The tiger hybrid had a similar load on his hands.

The two had already taken all of Taehyung's stuff to his dorm room and were now unloading the rest of Jimin's.

"You got a panther hybrid. A panther! I've never met a panther hybrid before," the cat pouted, ears flattening on top of his wavy silver hair. "And I doubt it!"

"Hey, I'll introduce you guys! And come on. I'm sure he'll be fine, just give him a chance and don't hiss at him if he doesn't 100% deserve it," Taehyung said, pushing the front door of Jimin's dorm room open and setting the box down.

Jimin hadn't seen his roommate yet. The dog had brought his stuff in before him and so having had the chance to pick the bedroom. Even though Jimin knew snooping around the dog's stuff would be an invasion of privacy, he might have had a small peek inside his closet. Just a small one.

"It reeks of dog in here," the cat whined.

"No it doesn't. Chim, you're making this a bigger deal than it really is. He might be a sweetheart for all you know," Taehyung huffed, already tired of hearing his friend complain.

"But what if he turns out to be an asshole?" Jimin asked while placing his books on the self.

"Then I'll beat the shit out of him."

Jimin was nervous as he sat on the couch, waiting for his roommate to arrive. He didn't know his name nor what he looked like, just his animal. The silver-head was close to falling asleep when the door opened, a mop of black hair peeking from the crack. The insides of his ears were white.

The cat's blue eyes were wide and wary as the boy stepped in with his duffel bag. A black and white fluffy tail wagged behind him.

"Hello, Jeon Jungkook, 21, Siberian husky," the dog said, offering the other a smile.

"Park Jimin, 22, ragdoll. Hi..." Jimin mumbled, not knowing what to think about his situation.

By what Jimin had told him about the husky, Taehyung thought the cat found him to be just fine. But his best friend seemed to be put off by him.

They were eating lunch, him, Jimin, and Yoongi (his panther hybrid roommate) when Jungkook appeared in the cafeteria with his friends. The black-haired boy made his way to Jimin and nodded his head toward the two other felines.

"Hyung, me and my friends are having a party at one of their houses this Friday and I wanted to ask if you wanted to join? Taehyung hyung and Yoongi hyung are also welcome," he said.

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