Drunken blabber

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Yay a drabble!

Jimin giggled over the loud music of the club and threw his head back on the sturdy chest behind him. Hands made their way to his hips as he rolled them with ease. The brunet was drunk and enjoying himself to the fullest. He turned around and threw his arms over the man's shoulders.

"You're so handsome," he slurred with a smile, leaning against the other and pressing himself closer to him.

"You think I'm handsome, cutie?" the man chuckled, tightening his hold on Jimin.

"Yeah. Hehe~" the male giggled, burying his face in the taller's neck out of embarrassment. "I have a crush on you. Can you be my boyfriend? You're warm and smell good."

"I'm flattered, but don't you think your husband would get mad, Jimin?" the man whispered into his ear.

"Huh? But Diminie would only marry you, Jungkookie!" the brunet pouted.

"Geez, Min. You're so drunk," Jungkook sighed, shaking his head and kissing the shorter's cheek. "Love, I am your husband."

"Oh," Jimin hummed. He stopped swaying and looked at Jungkook with his hazy eyes for a moment. "Yay! Diminie loves you~" he then squealed, surging upward to kiss the male. Missing his target, Jimin only reached Jungkook's chin.

"I love you too," the younger laughed, taking his husband's hand and leading him away from the dance floor. "I think you've drunk and partied enough. Let me take you home."

"Okay!" Jimin giggled, almost tripping on his feet.

"My head hurts like shit. What happened last night?" Jimin groaned, groggily rubbing his forehead before turning to lean into Jungkook's warmth. He wanted to hide in their bed and never face daylight ever again.

"We went to the nightclub, remember?" the younger hummed, running his fingers through the brown hair and pressing a soft kiss on the man's creased forehead. "You had a few more drinks than I did."

"Yeah, I can feel that. I didn't do anything dumb, did I?" Jimin grumbled quietly, melting into his husband's arms.

"No, no," Jungkook lied, hiding his mischievous smile in the older's hair. He knew Jimin would be so embarrassed if he told him about his drunken blabbering. "But hey, Min. Isn't your husband handsome?" Okay, maybe he would tease a little.

"Ugh, I'm way too hungover for your quirks," the smaller huffed, pinching Jungkook's nipple and making him recoil. "Now shut up and let me die."

The younger laughed heartily and peppered kisses in Jimin's hair, letting the male grip onto him like a koala and sleep his hangover away.

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