Show it [It -trilogy part two] [M]

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This takes place right after where 'Prove it' ended, so take a quick look at that if you feel like it.

Also, this might be a bit shitty so sorry 'bout that xd I just wanted to get this out as it has been sitting incompleted in my drafts for too long.

Jungkook loved the sight in front of him, Jimin making breakfast in his kitchen, only wearing the Alpha's slightly too big boxers and a tee, skipping around with his blond hair bouncing messily.

He wanted every morning to be like this, warm and filled with Jimin's delighted giggles.

"You should help me, not just stare at me," Jimin then purred, gazing at his new boyfriend over his exposed shoulder. His eyes gleamed mischievously. "Otherwise, you're not getting any breakfast."

Jungkook smirked and walked behind the Omega, leaning down to press kisses all over the exposed skin that he had marked the night before. The shorter let out a breathy hum from the soft feeling of lips on his neck.

"What? Can't an Alpha admire his gorgeous boyfriend?" he playfully challenged, fingers skimming on the Omega's waist. Jimin threw his head back on the man's chest while he laughed. Jungkook's smile was just as whipped as the cream Jimin was whisking.

At some point, a dollop of cream ended up on the tip of the Alpha's nose. Jimin proceeded to cup his face and pulled him down to his eye level, smiling adoringly before licking the cream off.

Needless to say, Jungkook enjoyed the adorable action. The man chuckled and scooped some whipped cream from the bowl next to them. He smeared it on the expanse of the Omega's throat, then tipping the boy's head back to gain access. Jimin gasped as Jungkook's tongue trailed its way up his neck, collecting the cream.

"Sweet," he whispered, pressing kisses up Jimin's jaw, all the way to his ear. "Just like you." Jungkook's voice was husky and it made the blond want to submit immediately. "Could devour you whole."

Jimin's face flushed and he giggled, slapping the Alpha's chest before burying his face in his neck from embarrassment. Jungkook nosed the smaller's hair affectionately, lips twitching into a smitten smile.

Jungkook stopped the car in front of Jimin's apartment building, a pout on his face as he watched the Omega get out and grab his stuff from the backseat. Jimin rounded the car over to Jungkook's rolled-down window.

"Can't we just go on the date now?" the Alpha frowned, hand reaching over to grab a hold of the elder's.

"I need to get myself ready! Want to look extra pretty for you~" the blond male said, booping Jungkook's nose and winking. "See you in three, Alpha."

"Hey, where's my kiss?" Jungkook whined, tugging on the Omega's hand when he turned to leave.

"You'll get one when you come to pick me up," Jimin singsang, slipping out of his boyfriend's grasp and waving at him cutely before skipping into his building.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head, driving back home with a wide grin.

Jimin hummed happily as he styled his hair. He had already dressed and done his makeup, getting ready right in time when the doorbell rang. The Omega rushed to the door and opened it with a bright smile, pulling Jungkook in by his arm.

The Alpha was wearing all black; a v-neck tucked into ripped jeans. His fluffy hair was parted on the side, exposing his forehead. The hickeys he had left on Jungkook's neck had only partly faded.

Jikook smuts and fluffs [oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now