Jimin's bday drabble

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Jikook were so sus on Jimin's bday live so I had to do something lol. The title isn't very imaginative haha.

Also, I am working on the extra for Your cheeks like roses, just haven't had the time or spark to fully delve into it. But I will finish it at some point!

"You were such a cutie today," Jungkook says as he gets into bed next to his boyfriend. The other man is already settled under the covers and wrapped up in a cocoon with just his eyes visible, eagerly staring at Jungkook's shirtless torso. "People are gonna get suspicious if you continue acting so shy around me." He giggles when Jimin lets out a quiet whine and hides his face in the pillow. "Where did my shameless Jimin hyung go, hm?" Jungkook peels to covers off and slots himself next to the birthday boy. He noses the dark hair and takes in a deep breath.

Jimin huffs into the pillow before turning to look at his boyfriend, a pout on his full lips. His arms come to wrap around Jungkook's middle, and he buries his face into the built pecs. "It's your fault!" he whines, though he can't keep the smile off his lips when he hears the other's laugh. "Every day, you get sexier and sexier with your muscles, pretty tattoos, and cool piercings. Don't you get how hard it is for me? It's fine when there are no cameras, but I get so flustered when people see you teasing me! Or just looking at me with that look in your eyes." Jimin pulls back and purses his lips, trying to look annoyed.

"You are so adorable," Jungkook giggles, voice full of fondness as he presses a kiss on Jimin's forehead. "Just think about how hard it is for me. You're cutie sexy lovely Jimin! I need to hold myself back from grabbing your face and kissing you every five minutes when the cameras are rolling. You being shy and blushy doesn't help at all!" he says, smile widening when the older's eyes form crescents and a giggle leaves his lips. They share a few loving pecks before Jimin buries his face into Jungkook's chest once again.

"We should be a bit more subtle," he says, closing his eyes and listening to the calming beat of the other's heart. "We've been so obvious for some time now. People are going to catch on." Jungkook's hand cards through his hair and Jimin feels more kisses being pressed onto the top of his head.

"They have caught on a long time ago," the younger notes, chuckling when his boyfriend squirms in his arms, knowing the man is embarrassed.

"You don't mind that I'm not so shameless anymore?" Jimin then asks, his voice muffled by Jungkook's chest.

"Of course not, silly," Jungkook responds. "I am so deeply in love with you it doesn't matter how you look or act. I just love you for you." He nuzzles into the other's hair. "But you know that already."

"I do," Jimin giggles, tightening his hold on Jungkook's warm body. He looks back at the taller and with the bedside lamp still on, his red ears and blushing cheeks are visible for Jungkook to adore. "I'm so in love with you, too," he says while reaching up to plant a kiss on a pair of smiling, dainty lips.

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