Morning fun [M]

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Jimin stirred awake from the whispering voice next to him. He opened his eyes and saw the outlines of Jungkook's face in the darkness.

"Jungkookie?" the male groaned quietly as he sat up. "What's wrong?" Jungkook often came to sleep in his bed, but the 16-year-old never deliberately woke him up.

"I'm just..." the young boy whispered, looking around the room cautiously to make sure he didn't wake up the other sleeping hyungs. "I don't even know."

"Come here," Jimin said, lifting his blanket and scooting closer to the wall so the other could fit himself next to him. "Don't cry." He lied back down and began caressing Jungkook's hair as the younger boy buried his face in his neck. Jimin could feel tears dripping onto his skin, making him pout. "It's gonna be okay."

It didn't take long until Jungkook's breathing became even and he relaxed in Jimin's hold. The older boy sighed and gave a little kiss on the top of his head before falling asleep.

Jimin moaned while stretching his limbs under the blanket, face pressing into the pillow as he slowly woke up. The tattooed arms around him tightened their hold and the body next to him pulled him closer. His back hit a muscly chest.

Then there were lips on his neck, mouthing his skin and making Jimin moan again, now for a different reason. He turned around and opened his eyes.

"Good morning," Jungkook hummed, lips in a lazy smile as he gazed down at the older man.

"Good morning," Jimin giggled, leaning closer to nose into the other's neck. "I saw a dream where we were young. You've grown so much," he cooed, kissing Jungkook's shoulder. His fingers inched down to the younger's waist, gripping onto the edges of his sweatpants. Looking back into Jungkook's darkened eyes, Jimin bit his lip before cracking a sly smile. "Your cock as well."

"You're such a tease," the taller chuckled, rolling Jimin onto his back and climbing over him. "You better know that has consequences."

Jimin glanced at the clock on the bedroom wall and riled his shirt up, exposing his tight stomach and the tattoo on his ribcage. "We have time," he said, bottom lip between his teeth as he looked up at his smirking boyfriend.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Jungkook cursed, grip on Jimin's hips tightening. The older man was moaning, hands trying to hold onto the sheets under him. He whined when Jungkook pulled out, leaving him empty. The younger threw away the condom and jacked off until he came onto Jimin's tummy, his ragged gasps making his chest heave.

The shorter male was breathing hard, hips bucking as he whimpered. He wanted to cum so bad. "Jungkookie~"

"Want me to finger you, baby? Huh?" Jungkook hummed, grabbing Jimin's thigh and spreading his legs. "Wanna cum on my fingers?"

"Yes, please," Jimin breathed, licking his lips and massaging his chest and hard nipples. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he let out a low moan as Jungkook slipped four fingers into him. The digits crooked expertly into his sweet spot. "Just like that!"

Jungkook obeyed his angel and started fucking him with his fingers, hard and fast. "Fuck, you're so fucking pretty like this," he groaned, his other hand groping Jimin's thick thigh and adoring the firm muscles. He grazed his fingers over the skin and toward the elder's leaking cock before wrapping his palm around the shaft.

"F-fuck! 'M g-gonna-" Jimin whimpered, moaning loudly when the other's tongue teased his tip. "J-Jungkook!" His back arched off the bed and he came into Jungkook's mouth, a mewl echoing in the bedroom of Jungkook's large apartment.

The younger continued pleasuring his lover with his fingers, relishing in his high whimpers and moans. He let go of Jimin's cock and swallowed his load before peppering kisses all over his shaking thighs. "Feel good?" Jungkook murmured, a smirk on his lips as he looked over to Jimin.

"M-mhm!" the male moaned, teeth biting into his bottom lip, nearly drawing blood. "T-too much, Kook~"

Jungkook slipped his fingers out slowly, a big smile on his face as he wiped them clean on the sheets. He crawled up the bed and slotted his body between Jimin's legs. The elder reciprocated the wide smile and reached his hands into Jungkook's hair as the other leaned down to kiss him.

"Fuck, I love you," Jimin breathed, tugging on a strand of hair and caressing the man's cheek.

"I love you too," Jungkook grinned, pressing kisses on Jimin's lips and loving how smiling made the older's eyes disappear.

Just something quick and dirty~

Jikook smuts and fluffs [oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now