Chapter 4 - Accident - Shocked (1)

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The guy and Purvi was still hugging each other until they heard Avni speak.
Avni: Sameer Bhai.
Sameer: Hi
Avni and Ishita also hugged him so he hugged them back.
Kavin was confused as he has never seen him before.
Purvi: I missed you so much. When did you come Mumbai?
Sameer: Yesterday, my Father had some business to attend here so I had to come with and since I was here I'd decided to come visit you. Anyways where's Raj Uncle.
Purvi: Dad had to go Delhi for some meeting. How long our you staying for?
Sameer: Not sure maybe a few weeks or Months.
Purvi: How's Uncle and Auntie.
Sameer: Great.
Purvi and Sameer were talking and never realised that they were still at the door.
Kavin was fuming as Purvi totally forgot about him.
Ishita: Di at least let Sameer Bhai come inside.
Purvi: Oh sorry.
They all went inside but Kavin was still standing there.
Sameer (realising how big Purvi's stomach was): Purvi are you pregnant?
Purvi: Yep
Sameer: Who's the father and where is he?
Purvi: My husband, Kavin come here.
Kavin came and stood besides Purvi.
Purvi: Kavin meet my childhood friend Sameer and Sameer meet my husband Kavin.
Sameer: Hi
Kavin: Hi
Whilst shaking hands.
Kavin: Purvi we need to go hospital for your check up.
Purvi (sad): Do we have to go?
Kavin: Yes, Ishita can you please take Purvi upstairs and help her get ready.
Ishita: Okay
They went upstairs. Just then Kavin's phone started to ring and when he saw the caller ID he got shocked.
Kavin (thinking): Why is he calling me?
Kavin: Excuse me. (On call): Hello
Raj: Hello Kavin I know who you are?
Kavin: Meaning.
Raj: You're Swetta Khanna's oldest son, Rahul who's real name is Dushyant and Neil are your younger brother's.
Kavin: I know you already know that. You kidnapped my Mom and so I can get her back you want me to tell Purvi my true identity after she gave birth.
Raj: What? No I only found out today.
Kavin: Seriously, I've got your letter.
Sameer: Kavin I don't know what your talking about but there's something I need to tell you which is really important, you're Da....
Just as Raj was about to complete his sentence the phone got cut off.
Kavin: What the, what was Uncle going to tell me? Leave it Kavin.
Purvi: Kavin I'm ready.
Kavin: You look beautiful.
Purvi: Thank you
Sameer: Purvi I should go as well my father just called.
Purvi: Okay but make sure you call and visit us again.
Sameer: Okay bye.
Everyone: Bye.
Kavin: Should we go as well.
Purvi: Hmmm
Purvi and Kavin left to go to the hospital for Purvi's check up. When they reached it took 30 minutes for the check up to complete. As soon as they were going towards their car, Purvi's phone rang which she picked up.
Purvi: Hello
Man: Os this Raj Malhotra's daughter.
Purvi: Yes, who is this?
Man: I'm Doctor Virat from Delhi Hospital, I'm calling you to inform you that you're father has gotten into a serious accident but due to not getting to the hospital on time your father has passed away.
Purvi couldn't speak she fainted and was about to fall when Kavin caught her on time.
Kavin: Purvi
Kavin quickly took her inside the hospital and called a doctor, the doctor took her and started checking what's wrong with her whilst Kavin took the phone out of her hand.
Kavin: Hello who is this?
Doctor Virat: Sorry are you Raj Malhotra's Son?
Kavin: No I'm his daughters husband.
Dr Virat: Ohh well we can understand what you're Wife is going through but we really need to know if we should send the body to Mumbai or will you be coming here.
Kavin: I don't understand.
Dr Virat: Mr Malhotra's body he got into a serious accident and is no more.
Kavin: What!
Kavin was shocked he didn't know what to say.
Kavin: Can we please have time to discuss this and I'll call you back later.
Dr Virat: Sure but please hurry.
Kavin cut the call and was staring at his wife. He was worried for her but also was worried for his Mom.
Kavin (thinking): If Uncle is no more where is Mom. Please let her be safe.
Kavin got out of his thinking when he heard the doctor calling him.
Kavin: Dr how is my wife?
Dr: She's ..........

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