Chapter 6 - Family Time

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Just then Priya barged in the room.
Priya: Mum, Dad
Kavin: What happened Princess?
Priya: Dad I don't want to go school Tomorrow.
Kavin: Okay then you can take Tomorrow off.
Priya: Yaayyy!!
Purvi: Noooo
Priya: But Mum
Purvi: No means no
Priya: Pleaseeee
Purvi: No
Priya sat down whilst having a cute grumpy face on.
Kavin: Purvi let her take the day of look how sad she looks. You never let her take the day off.
Purvi: Oh really, last week she took the day off because she said she was ill but when I entered her room she was watching movies on the laptop.
Kavin looked at priya.
Priya: But Dad you told be to say that remember.
Kavin whispering in Priya's ears
Kavin: Did you have to say that?
Purvi: What! Kavin you need to stop doing this.
Kavin: Purvi I was just
Purvi interrupted
Purvi: Doing what Kavin, oh now I understand why you stopped me from calling the doctors.
Kavin and Priya (whilst holding their ears): Sorry
Dushyant: No Bhabhi don't forgive them.
Priya: But Chachu
Dushyant: I mean you should forgive Priya as it's not her fault but Bhai gave her the idea so it's his fault.
Kavin: Oyyyy don't forget how much times I saved you from Mum when you used to fake being ill to get out of school.
Dushyant: Because half of the time I got lectured by you and your the one who tells Mum in the first place.
Purvi glared at Kavin and Kavin gulped in fear.
Kavin: Help me
Dushyant: No this is between you and Bhabhi. Let's go Priya.
Priya and Dushyant left.
Kavin: Purvi it's been a long day let's go sleep. Good night.
Purvi started smacking Kavin with a cushion.
Kavin: Purvi
Just then Avni and Ishita came in the room with Dushyant and Neil.
Avni: What are you doing Di?
Purvi: Me just ask him?
Dushyant: I'll tell you.
Dushyant told them everything.
Ishita: Di but you did the same when you were young.
Purvi: No I always went to school.
Avni: But Dad told us
Purvi interrupted
Purvi: Don't you guys need to sleep.
Kavin: No, No what did Uncle tell you?
Avni: That Di used to fake being ill whenever she didn't want to go school.
Kavin: Wow
Purvi looked away as she saw Kavin glaring at her.
Purvi: So what why would I let Priya repeat the things I did when I was young.
Dushyant ( Trying to change the subject): Why don't I give you some information about Bhai.
Kavin: Don't you dare.
Dushyant: In schools Bhai was a nerd, whether it's in school or at home you would always see him studying. I still remember that day when we all had to go to a family function.

Kavin, Neil and Dushyant were heading to the function whilst Kavin was engrossed in his books. Their Mom left in the morning to help set up.

Dushyant: Bhai at least for today forget about your books.
Kavin: I have an exam Tomorrow.
Dushyant: Huh!!
They arrived at the function where their Mum was waiting for them.
Swetta saw Kavin reading his books.
Swetta: Kavin I know you have an exam tomorrow but just for an hour stop please.
Kavin agreed.
They entered the venue when Swetta started talking to a few of her friends.
Dushyant: Bhai look that girl keeps looking at you.
Kavin: So what should I do?
Dushyant: You're so boring. At least go talk to her.
Kavin: No
Dushyant ignored Kavin and called the girl over.
Kavin: Dushyant. No
Dushyant (to the girl): Hi my name is Dushyant
Girl: Riya
Dushyant (whispering in her ear): Bhai is a little shy.
Riya: Don't worry
Kavin: Dushyant
Dushyant went away before Kavin could say anything.
Kavin (mind): I'm going to kill him
Riya: Hi my names Riya
Kavin just smiled at her.
Riya: Won't you tell me you your name
Kavin: Kavin
Riya: Nice name
Kavin: Thanks
Dushyant (secretly watching): Bhai at least start a conversation.

Kavin was looking here and their whilst Riya was trying to start a proper conversation. After 20 minutes she realised that nothing was working so she left. That's when Dushyant came to him.

Dushyant: Bhai you should of at least tried.
Kavin: Shut up and never do that again.
Dushyant: your impossible
After an hour Kavin sat in a quiet room and studied for his exam Tomorrow.

Flashback End

Rashmi's room
Rashmi: I have to do something that will distract the whole family.
Sunil: What?
Rashmi started thinking, she thought of a plan and told Sunil.
Rashmi: But if we have to do this then we need someone to help us.
Sunil: What about ..........

Kavin's room
Everyone except Neil was shocked they could never of believed that Kavin was a nerd when he was young.
Purvi: What!
Dushyant: Yes Bhabhi.
Kavin: leave it now it's late you should go to sleep.
Dushyant: It's only 10:00 pm
Purvi: Kavin I'm not tired let's watch a movie.
Kavin: Fine
Karanveer, Minakshi and Sameer also joined them.
The girls sat on the bed whilst the boys sat on the sofa.
After an hour into the movie everyone besides Minakshi, Purvi and Kavin went to sleep.
Purvi couldn't sleep as she was used to sleeping in Kavin's arms. She saw space near him so she got up and hugged him and he hugged her back.
Kavin: What happened?
Purvi: Nothing, just wanted to sleep besides you.
Kavin: I love you
Purvi: I love you too
After a few minutes Purvi and Kavin slept hugging each other.
Minakshi (thinking): ..........

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