Chapter 4 - Important information

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Next Morning
Everyone was in the hall having their breakfast whilst their was a knock at the front door. Swetta went and opened the door.
Man: Hi is Purvi in?
Swetta: Yes but who are you?
Man: I'm her friend Karanveer and this is my sister Minakshi.
Minakshi: Hi
Swetta: Oh, hello why don't you come inside?
They came inside whilst Swetta closed the door.
Karanveer: Purvi
Purvi: Karanveer
Purvi ran and hugged him.
Sunil (thinking): Wow! She can jump in everyone else's embrace besides from mine. But the girl standing near the guy is beautiful. (Whilst smirking)
Purvi: It's been such a long time I've seen you, how have you been?
Karanveer: Amazing, what about you?
Purvi: Brilliant. Hi Minakshi.
Minakshi: Finally you've noticed me.
Purvi: Sorry
Minakshi: I'm just joking. (Whilst hugging her) Hi.
Purvi introduced them both to everyone and whilst do so Sunil kept staring at Minakshi.

Purvi showed Minakshi and Karanveer their rooms so they could get freshed, A few minutes later both came down and ate breakfast.

Sunil: Minakshi ji how did you and Purvi become friends?
Minakshi: Karanveer Bhai and Purvi went to the same school and once Purvi visited our house and Bhai introduced us and then since that day we have become friends.
Sunil: Nice
Rashmi: What's you're interest in marriage Minakshi?
Minakshi: Aunty I'm still studying so I never really thought about that.
Rashmi: No worries but I have a lot of guy's in mind. (Mostly indicating to Sunil.)
Swetta: Rashmi Di she's still young for marriage.
Rashmi: Swetta I'm not talking to you and anyways a women always needs a man by her side. Your husband left you for someone else which means you made a mistake.
Swetta was hurt but she controlled her emotions.
Purvi: Massi first thing first in this house we treat men and women equally, secondly if a man can be forgiven easily for their mistakes then why not a women and finally Mom or any other Women are perfectly capable of looking after themselves.
Kavin: Massi just like you always say every Women needs a man but why? Before I married Purvi she was handling a business she never needed me, Ishita has an interest in art and Avni is a fashion designer. They don't need us in fact in this case we needed them and I don't think you'll understand so there's no point explaining.
Nobody spoke a word but Rashmi was given glares to Kavin and Purvi.
Rashmi (thinking): First I wanted to separate them due to my Son now I just want to ruin them. Kavin I'm going to make your family members hate you including Purvi.

Once everyone ate breakfast they left for their own jobs. Kavin was sitting in his cabin when purvi, Ishita, Dushyant, Neil, avni, Karanveer, Minakshi and Sameer enters his cabin.

Purvi: Kavin I've dropped Priya of to school.
Kavin: good
Dushyant: we should discuss the plan so their no mistakes.
Kavin: There's no proper plan we should have to annoy them so much that they decide to leave themselves but make sure mom doesn't find out otherwise she'll stop us from doing this.
They all agreed Kavin, Sameer, Neil stayed whilst the others went home to start the plan.

At home Purvi and Karanveer were sitting talking when Sunil interrupted
Sunil: Purvi Bhabhi are you busy?
Purvi: Why?
Sunil: I was thinking as Kavin Bhai isn't here you might be feeling bored so why not we go out for lunch.
Purvi (fake smile): How sweet but i'm spending today with Karanveer, maybe next time.
Sunil: Never mind you carry on. (Thinking): Hmmm if not Purvi then with Minakshi.
Sunil left
Purvi: He's definitely going to Minakshi now, remember how he was looking at her this morning.
Karanveer nodded.
Karanveer: Purvi do one thing and give me sunil's number.
Purvi: why?
Karanveer: Just going to find some information about him.

Purvi gave Karanveer Sunil's number. Then both left towards Karanveer's office.
Karanveer was getting information about Sunil whilst looking he past something which was really interesting.
Karanveer: Got it.
Purvi heard him and looked at what he was smirking at and smiled.
Purvi: After reading this are work has gotten much easier.

5 hours later the whole family was at home when Sunil got a message which shocked him.

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