Chapter 5 - Mission get rid of Massi and Sunil (1)

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Sunil: This is not possible.

The next day
Sunil got another message.
Sunil: How? I can't do this. No I won't do it.
Messenger: Think about it if this goes viral then you'll no what will happen.
Sunil: No, No I'll do it.
Messenger: Good

Sunil: I have to figure out the person behind this.

At the dining table
Everyone was sat down except Sunil.
Rashmi: Where is Sunil?
Before anyone could answer Sunil came down with a cleaning brush and started sweeping the floor.
Rashmi was shocked. She got out of her seat and tried to snatch the brush of him but he didn't let her.
Rashmi: What are you doing?
Sunil: Mom don't stop me.
Rashmi: Have you gone mad?
Sunil: I'll tell you later.
Rashmi: Do whatever you want.
Rashmi went upstairs without having breakfast as she couldn't face anyone.
After Sunil was done he ran upstairs towards his Mother's room whilst everyone downstairs started laughing but Swetta was confused.

Rashmi's room
As soon as Rashmi saw him she threw both her slippers at him.
Sunil: Mom I had to do it.
Rashmi: Why? Why did you have to it? And There better be a good explanation because I've just been embarrassed in-front of everyone.
Sunil told her about the messages.
Rashmi: If this comes out then then those people will kill us. This is all you're fault? I told you not to get yourself in that mess. It took us a lot of time to prove you innocent.
Sunil: Sorry but now I have to do everything this person says.
Rashmi: I think it's someone from this house. Don't worry I'll found out just make sure you do everything that person says.
Just then another message popped on Sunil's phone.
Sunil: Mom this one is for you.
Rashmi: What. No I can't.
Sunil: Please.
Rashmi: Fine but I won't spare the person doing this.

Rashmi went downstairs and told all the workers to have a leave for the rest of today.
The workers went and Rashmi started doing the dishes. Swetta passed by and was startled at what she saw.
Swetta: What is going on today?

2 hours later
Swetta came out of the room for lunch and went to call everyone. They all came down but was amazed at the scene both Rashmi and Sunil were setting the table.
Swetta: Kavin please make a doctor's appointment for these two. Their behaving weird since Morning.
Kavin: Mom forget it if they want to do the housework then let them and it's gives them good use of their time.
Swetta: If you think so.
Everyone was smirking but Swetta was still confused, since Rashmi and Sunil arrived here they never did any housework, they made others do it and if the workers did it wrong they would shout at them.

Rashmi: Quickly come and sit whilst I'll go get the food. She went and arrived with the food.

After lunch

Kavin and Purvi's room
Purvi: Kavin do you think are plan is going to work!
Kavin: Why wouldn't it? Can't you see they're doing everything we're telling them to do.
Purvi: I know but
Just then Priya barged into the room.

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