Chapter 8 - Truth Revealed - Happy Ending🤩🤩

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Doctor: Sorry we tried our best but we couldn't stop her from slipping into coma.
Everyone: What!!
Doctor: Due to drugs, the dosage was so high that we couldn't do anything.
Kavin (tears): Drugs, Mum had never taken drugs.
Dushyant: When will she wake up?
Doctor: We don't really know, sorry.
The doctor left.
They all had tears in their eyes.
Rashmi (fake tears): No this can't be happening.

30 minutes later everyone left after meeting Swetta except Ishita and Dushyant.

Rashmi: How could this happen?
Kavin: Purvi what did you put in the food?
Purvi: What? You think I did this.
Kavin: I never said that, all I'm saying is Mom ate the food you made so....
Purvi interrupted
Purvi: So what? Kavin don't forget we all ate the food Mum ate.
Neil: Bhai, Bhabhi there's no need to fight Dushyant Bhai and Ishita Bhabhi will be coming anytime soon with the reports so we'll find out where the drugs came from.
Sunil (thinking): Great these two have already started arguing, don't know what would happen after they see the reports.

Dushyant and Ishita came they both had tears in their eyes.
Kavin: Where's the reports?
Dushyant: Bhai
Sunil and Rashmi were smiling.
Kavin (angry): Where's the reports?
Dushyant gave the reports to Kavin which he opened.
Kavin: Negative
Sunil and Rashmi's smiled vanished.
Purvi: See I told you
Kavin: Sorry
Sunil: How is this possible?
Kavin: What did you say?
Sunil (scared): No nothing. I'll be right back.
Sunil left followed by Rashmi.
Someone signalled Minakshi to go after them so she did.

Sunil: Mum if the drugs weren't put in the food then what happened to Chachi.
Before Rashmi could answer Minakshi barged in
Minakshi: What have you done?
Rashmi: I don't know, after you distracted Purvi from the food, I put the drugs in their.
Minakshi: So the reports are wrong.
Rashmi: I don't know.
Minakshi: Listen We better not get caught.
Sunil: We won't, we'll just keep acting as we don't know anything.
The 3 came downstairs.

Purvi: I think we should call the police.
Rashmi: What!! Why do you need to call the police?
Purvi: Why not? Someone has gave Mum a high dosage of drugs. And maybe they'll target us next.
Rashmi: I don't think we should call the police involved, maybe Swetta took the drugs because of what Rajiv did.
Karanveer: How can you say that? She's your sister.
Rashmi was tensed.
Just then someone knocked on the door. Ishita went to open it.
Ishita: Police
The family told the police what happened.
Police: Do you have CCTV footage if so we would like to see it.
Kavin took the police to the computer room and showed them the clips of every camera.
Just them they came to the camera which was placed in the kitchen.
Rashmi (thinking / scared): Where did the camera's in the kitchen come from?
Rashmi and Sunil looked at each other.
In the video it clearly shows that Rashmi was putting something in the food Purvi was making.
Police: What did you put in the food?
Rashmi: Sugar, Purvi don't you remember, you told me to put sugar whilst you were talking to Minakshi.
Purvi: No I don't remember.
Rashmi (tensed): Minakshi you were there tell them.
Minakshi: No
Sunil and Rashmi were shocked.
Police: We need a copy of this video, to take as evidence.
The police were putting handcuffs on Rashmi.
Rashmi: What are you doing? Leave me.
Rashmi: Sunil
Sunil: Mum I never thought you could do something like that.
Rashmi was shocked.
Rashmi: I did this all for you.
Purvi: Relax Massi we know what you did and why you did it. We also know who was involved. (Whilst staring at Sunil.)
The police also put handcuffs on Sunil.
Kavin: Mum is okay, she hasn't gone into coma.
Swetta entered the room which shocked Rashmi and Sunil.
Swetta: Di, Why?
Rashmi: Yes I planned this, I did this all for my Son.
The police took them away and Swetta started crying.
Purvi: Mom we can't change what has happened but we can forget about it and move on.
Swetta agreed and left towards her room to take rest.
Kavin: Finally
Purvi: I know if Minakshi never found out about their plan, we don't know what would of happened.

In the Morning Minakshi was about to go meet Sunil when everyone woke up she told them about the message she got and then they put a small camera on her jacket so they could hear the conversation between them.
By the recording they heard everything about the plan and decided to tell Swetta about it. First she never believed them but after watching the video they all made this plan to trap them.
The police were also informed as well.

Flashback End

In the moment of time Priya came in the room and hugged her parents.
Purvi: Priya how are you home early.
Priya: Mum how can you forget I told you in the Morning that I finish early Today. 
Purvi: Oh yes you did, sorry.
Priya (cutely): Never mind.
Everyone smiled at her cuteness.

6 Year later
Priya is now 8 years old.
Minakshi and Sameer fell in love so they decided to get married and have a baby boy named Varun who is now 1 years old. Karanveer had to leave for a mission.
Ishita gave birth to a baby boy named Aryan who is now 5 years old. Avni gave birth to a baby girl named Prachi who is now 3 years old.

The End

Sorry for any typing mistakes.

This is the last chapter for this story. Thank you to everyone who has liked and commented.
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