Chapter 3 - Mad😡

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Priya: Nandini Aunty only came to this house because of them and it was all their plan.
Kavin: I know, I could tell by Sunil's expressions. We have to do something.
Priya (innocently): Yes Dad we have to do something.
Someone: Do what?

➡️ Priya and Kavin looked at each other, their hands started trembling but as soon as they saw who it was they sighed in relief.
Kavin: Purvi you scared us.
Purvi: Why?
Kavin: We though it was Massi or Mom.
Purvi gave Kavin a cute but angry glare.
Dushyant, Neil, Ishita and Avni coming from behind.
Dushyant: Very bad Bhai you can't even recognise you're wife's voice.
Dushyant noticed Purvi getting angrier so he continued to annoy them.
Dushyant: Bhabhi you should check Bhai's phone records maybe he's having an affair that's why he can't recognise you're voice.
Kavin: Dushyant shut up and Purvi don't listen to him. He needs to get a brain checked out, Ishita I'm telling you.
Ishita: Jiju you are absolutely right.
Dushyant was shocked.
Dushyant: Bhai this is to much, it's not my fault that you can't recognise Purvi Bhabhi's voice.
Ishita: Dushyant be quiet.
Dushyant: But what did I do?
Ishita: ssshhhhh. Di please tell us why you called us all here.
Purvi gave one last death glare to Kavin before speaking.
Purvi: I talked to my friend and he and his sister are coming and their ready to help us.
Neil: That's great.
Purvi (mad): Yes it is before someone ruined my mood. (Looking at Kavin)
Kavin: What
Purvi interrupted,
Purvi: I'm tired so don't disturb me and you ( pointing at Kavin) don't talk to me.
Purvi left the room and headed towards her's.
Dushyant was stopping him self from giggling when he got a shoe chucked at him.
Dushyant: Owwww Bhai what are you doing?
Kavin: Who made Purvi mad?
Dushyant: Sorry Bhai I won't do it again.
Kavin keep chucking stuff at Dushyant but stopped as soon as Dushyant ran out.
Kavin (screamed): Idiot!
They all left towards their rooms whilst Kavin was standing out his room praying for his safety.
Kavin (thinking): Please God save me from Purvi. Please, please. I'm going to kill Dushyant dont know every time he does this.
Kavin slowly entered the room, he saw Purvi sleeping on the bed but he knew she was pretending as whenever she's always mad she does this to ignore him.
Kavin walks to the bed.
Kavin: Purvi I'm sorry, it's just me and Priya was talking about what happened today and I never heard you properly so that's why I thought it could be Massi or Mom. purvi are you listen, please try to understand.
Purvi quicly got up and got the cushion and started hitting Kavin.
Kavin: Ahhh, Purvi stop. I said sorry.
Purvi: So now I'm not important for you.
Kavin: Purvi you're everything for me.
Purvi: Liar.
Kavin: I'm not.
Kavin caught the cushion and held Purvi tight so she was facing him. Kavin and Purvi were looking in each other's eyes.
Kavin: Purvi look into my eyes do you think I'm lying? If so then smack really hard with this cushion.
Purvi looked straight in his eyes and she knew that Kavin loves her as much as she loves him. Purvi threw the pillow away and gave Kavin a tight hug which Kavin reciprocated.
Purvi: I love you
Kavin: I love you too. (A few minutes later) Purvi we should rest as we have a long day Tomorrow.
Purvi nodded. They went to sleep whilst Kavin held Purvi in his embrace so she was protected.

Sorry for any mistakes

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