Chapter 7 - Sad😢😭

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Sunil: What about Minakshi?
Rashmi: Are you mad?
Sunil: Even she doesn't want Kavin and Purvi to be together.
Rashmi: I don't think so.
Sunil: If we do this then she will be the only one who can distract them whilst we get the job done.
Rashmi: Fine but don't tell her until your sure.
Sunil agreed and messaged Minakshi to meet him outside the house Tomorrow Morning.

Minakshi (thinking): What does he want to talk about?
Minakshi slept whilst thinking about what Sunil wanted to tell her.

Next Morning
Minakshi was the first one to wake up as she had to go meet Sunil.
Minakshi: What did you want to tell me?
Sunil: Why don't you like Kavin?
Minakshi: Why do you care?
Sunil: Listen I have a plan where we can separate Kavin and Purvi but I need your help.
Minakshi: What plan?
Sunil: But first tell me why don't you like Kavin?
Minakshi (annoyed): Because for what he did to Purvi and how can I trust him that it won't happen again. You know what I think Ishita and Avni also deserve better life partners.
Sunil (thinking): I should tell her.
Minakshi: Hurry up tell me you're plan, otherwise I'm leaving they could wake up anytime soon.
Sunil told her the plan and Minakshi was shocked.
Minakshi (thinking): How can they scoop so low?
Sunil saw her lost in her own thoughts.
Sunil: Minakshi
Minakshi: Yeh
Sunil: So what do you think?
Minskashi: You do know that if something goes wrong we'll go to jail.
Sunil: Just think positive if this work then Kavin and Purvi will be separated.
Minakshi thinking for a bit but then she agreed to their plan.
Minakshi: When?
Sunil: Hopefully today
Minakshi went back to Kavin and Purvi's room where as Sunil went to his room.

2 hours later everyone came downstairs for breakfast. They were all talking when suddenly Swetta started coughing.
Kavin, Dushyant and Neil came over to her and Purvi handed her water which Swetta drank. Whilst she was drinking the water the glass suddenly dropped from her hand and she fainted.
Everyone: Mum/ Aunty/ Swetta

They took her hospital where the doctor told them that..........
Everyone was shocked.

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