Chapter 2 - Plan 1

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Kavin was in the gym when a random girl hugged him from behind.
Kavin: Purvi
Just as he turned, he was about to hug her back when he noticed it was not Purvi.
Kavin: What the, who are you?
Girl: Your wife.
Kavin: Shut up and stay away from me.
Girl: But
Priya interrupted,
Priya: Dad
Kavin: Yes sweetheart.
Priya: Can me, you and Mum go out for ice cream.
Kavin: No, it's to early in the morning and you're Mum won't let us.
Girl: I'll take you, me, you and your Dad can go.
Priya: Please Nandini Aunty don't interrupt and leave.
Nandini got mad and raised her hand to slap her when Kavin holds it.
Kavin: How dare you?
Nandini: Kavin
Kavin: Listen I don't know you but if you ever try to raise your hand on my daughter then you'll see the bad side of me.
Priya (in tears): Dad
Nandini: I never touched her or does she not have any manners.
Purvi: What happened?
Priya: Mum
Purvi: Why is she crying?
Priya: Nandini Aunty tried to slap me.
Purvi: What?
Nandini: She was being rude.
Purvi: Have you forgetten that your just a guest and I won't have a problem of kicking you out. Now leave before I do something that I won't regret .
Nandini: But
Purvi: Leave!
Nandini left.
Priya (cutely): Mom can we go out for ice cream.
Purvi couldn't say no to her.
Purvi: Fine but then we'll go the movies. Kavin.
Kavin agreed.
Priya: Yaaaaay!
Purvi: Now go have your breakfast.
Priya left.
Kavin: Who's she?
Purvi: Massi's guest.

Dining table
Rashmi: Kavin can you show Nandini around Mumbai, I mean she's new here so
Kavin: Massi I can't. I'm spending today with my family.
Rashmi: Why can't she come with you? She's family as well.
Priya: No I want to spend the whole day just with Mum and Dad.
Rashmi: Okay, what about Tomorrow?
Kavin: Massi I have an important business meeting Tomorrow.
Rashmi: What does Sameer do all day?
Kavin: Sameer has his own business to handle.
Priya (thinking): If Nandini Aunty comes with us then she'll definitely try to get close to Dad or she'll say something which Mum won't like and when she does Mum will get mad and kick her out.
Priya: Actually I changed my mind Nandini Aunty can come with us. If it's okay with Mum and Dad.
Kavin and Purvi never really cared. So they just nodded their heads.

Ice cream parlour
Purvi, Priya and Nandini sat down whilst Kavin went to collect their orders.
Kavin came back with the ice cream and sat in between Priya and Purvi.
Nandini: Thank you Kavin for letting me come with you.
Kavin: You wouldn't be here if Priya never agreed and it's not just me, my wife and child are here to.
Nandini: But I know your the reason why she changed her Mind as you want me to come.
Purvi (mad): Nandini we don't force Priya to do anything and why would Kavin want you to come?
Nandini: Purvi please I know your jealous but
Purvi: Wait what?
Nandini: Jealous that I might take you're husband and child away from you.
Purvi: I can't believe you have the guts to say that.
Priya: Aunty my Mum would never be jealous of you.
Kavin: Nandini go back to Malhotra Mansion, pack your bags and leave.
Nandini: But I have a video of your husband hugging me which means he's interested in me.
Purvi watched the video but she can clearly see that Kavin backs not facing her and he doesn't completely hug her back.
Purvi: This is rubbish and I don't want see you're face ever again, so you better be gone by the time I get back.
Nandini: But the video
Purvi: You said Kavin hugged you back but it shows that you're hugging him and he gets you off, of himself.
Nandini leave then after finishing their ice creams Kavin, Purvi and Priya go to the movies.

1 hour and 30 minutes later they reach home and see Nandini on the sofa crying whilst Rashmi was trying to console her.

Rashmi noticed them
Rashmi: Kavin I told you to show Nandini around not to insult her.
Purvi: Dushyant is that Nandani's bags.
Dushyant: Yes Bhabhi.
Purvi: Throw them out.
Dushyant: Sure Bhabhi. Neil and Sameer Bhai can you help me?
They were going to throw the bags out when Rashmi came between.
Rashmi: You can't kick her out.
Purvi: Why?
Rashmi: If she goes then I go.
Purvi: Okay you don't have that much time so hurry up.
Rashmi looked at her if she heard right then she looked at her sister.
Rashmi: Swetta se how they treat me.
Swetta: Purvi what happened?
Purvi: Mom Nandini's trying to separate me from Kavin.
Nandini: No Aunty.
Priya: Dadi I saw Nandini Aunty hugging Dad but when Dad told her to stay away from him and asked who she was, she said you're wife.
Rashmi: Liar she's also like her parents and anyway Priya will sort herself out if Nandini becomes her Mum.
Kavin: Massi
Priya (running to Swetta): Dadi I got a video of it.
Swetta and everyone saw the video and was shocked.
Swetta: Dushyant hurry up and get rid of her stuff.
Rashmi: Swetta she was probably just joking.
Dushyant and with the help of others threw her stuff outside.
Swetta: Now you leave.
Rashmi: Fine if she goes then I go as well.
Swetta: Fine but there's no way she's staying here.
Rashmi: But where will we go?
They all shrugged their shoulders.
Rashmi: I'm sorry it's my fault this has happened.
She went towards Nandini and slapped her.
Nandini was shocked and mad.
Rashmi: Get out and don't show you're face again.
Nandini left embarrassed.
Rashmi: I would of left but I can't leave my Son here by himself.
Ishita: Then why don't you take him with you?
Rashmi ignored her and left towards her room followed by Sunil.

Everyone else did the same.

Priya's room
Priya (Whilst jumping on the bed): I'm so happy. She's gone, she's gone. Who was she to replace my Mum?
Priya sat on the bed when she saw her Dad come in.
Priya: Dad sit
Kavin came and sat near her.
Priya: Dad when is Rashmi Dadi and Sunil Uncle going to go.
Kavin: I'm not sure.
Priya: But Dad I don't like them.
Kavin: Neither do I.
Priya: Nandini Aunty only came to this house because of them and it was all their plan.
Kavin: I know, I could tell by Sunil's expressions. We have to do something.
Priya (innocently): Yes Dad we have to do something.
Someone: Do what?

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