Chapter 10 - You Have No Right - Life Lesson

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Rajiv: What are you doing here?
Kavin: I can ask you the same question.
Rajiv: Kavin stay in your limits, don't forget I'm your father.
Kavin: Since I was born the only love I got was from Mom, Dushyant and Neil, so you have no right calling yourself my Father.
The 2 started to quarrel when Kavya comes in and hugged Purvi and tried to take the baby out of her hands. But before she could, Purvi stopped her.
Purvi: Excuse me
Kavya: I want to hold the baby.
Purvi: I don't think you should.
Rajiv: Purvi she has full right to hold her Son's daughter.
Sameer: Dad, what are you saying?
Rajiv: From today onwards Kavin has no right to meet his daughter.
Sameer: Dad you do know your making no sense at all? I mean who are you to decide who meets the child or not.
Kavya: Sameer after you get married to Purvi
Sameer interrupted
Sameer: Wait what?
Everyone was shocked except Rajiv.
Rajiv: For a whole Month you were looking after her.
Sameer: So that gives me the right to make the decision to marry her or to take control of her child.
Kavya: So why else where you there?
Sameer: To help take care of her.
Rajiv: Exactly
Sameer: Dad Purvi and me are just friends and as a friend I helped take care of her until Kavin proves himself innocent.
Rajiv and Kavya were shocked.
Kavin: What do you think that I'm standing here for nothing. Purvi's my wife and this child is mine and her's. let's just say I've proved my self innocent.
Rajiv: How?
Kavin: When Raj Uncle called me that day it was around 3:00 in the afternoon but according to the doctors Raj uncle died at 2:00 in the Morning. So I don't know who was talking to me but it does prove me innocent.
Swetta: That's not proper evidence, maybe you told someone to call you at that time and made his sound like Raj.
Kavin: Maybe but Dad on the same day Raj Uncle left for Delhi didn't you book tickets to go there on the same day and you were on the same flight. Let's say you both were sitting next to each other.
Rajiv: What are you trying to say, I killed Rajiv?
Kavin: You must have seen something and why didn't you say that you went to Delhi together and you both had the same meeting.
Rajiv: That proves nothing.
Sameer: No Dad it proves something. You called Raj uncle 2 days before going to Delhi that there was a big business deal and it would be a lot of profit and they have to attend a meeting which would took place in Delhi but you never told them that it was a trick and there was no meeting. Raj uncle before they left to the airport told Purvi where the meeting would take place but after their death and you blaming it on Kavin and his family I found out by the owners of the building that it was rented by Rajiv Khanna and there was never a business meeting otherwise the owners would have known instead you told the owners that you were having a party.
Rajiv was shocked.
Rajiv: So
Sameer: Dad all the evidence is against you.
Rajiv: Yes I killed Raj but all this evidence is good for nothing because I'll never admit that it was me.
Neil: Dad you already have. Look behind you.
Rajiv and Kavya was shocked that there was police and everything was been recorded.
The police arrested Rajiv and Kavya for murder  of Raj Malhotra and kidnapping of Swetta Khanna.
Before the police took them Kavin said,
Kavin: Dad you have no right over my family and especially over my daughter.
Dushyant: Because of you we we're taking the wrong steps but now we know what's wrong and what's right.
Neil: I want nothing to do with you.
All we're looking at Sameer if he wanted to say anything but he had tears in his eyes not because his parents were going to jail but because even though nothing was his fault he will always have a guilt that he couldn't stop this from happening. His parents were doing this had but he didn't realise there real faces sooner.
His parents were hoping he would stop this but he just looked away. The police offices took Kavya and Rajiv away and put them in prison.

Swetta Walked up to Sameer and wiped his tears away and gave him a hug. Everyone saw this and joined the hug but Purvi couldn't as she was still a bit Weak to get up. She got mad as everyone forgot about her so she picked something sharp from the table beside her and poked Kavin on the back.
Kavin: Ahhhh what the.
Kavin turned back and saw Purvi holding a pen in her hand.
Kavin: Why did you do that?
Purvi: Punishment, your having a family hug without me or the baby.
Kavin: So how is that my fault?
Swetta held Kavin's ear.
Kavin: Ahhhh.
Swetta: It is your fault.
Kavin: please Mom leave my ear.
Swetta left his ear and Kavin started rubbing it.
Kavin: What is this Mom?
Swetta: Shut up and next time you forget my daughter I'll pull both your ears.
Kavin (scared): Mom this isn't fair.
Swetta gave Kavin an angry glare.
Kavin: I'll never forget her.
Purvi pulled his cheek and said
Purvi: Good boy.
Just then Kavin got an idea and smirked he got Purvi in a tight hug.
Purvi: Kavin leave me.
Kavin: Sorry I can't, Mom told me not to forget about you. So it's only fair if I give you a hug as well.
Purvi: Kavin!
Everyone started laughing. Even the baby smiled at her parents.

This was a life lesson to the brother's as they should never act before knowing the whole truth. Luck saved them in time the truth of their father was revealed. There Mother was saved but they will always have the guilt that they could never save Raj in time. Their Father's crime never affected their future as they got the forgiveness from the people they care about the most.

1 year later Dushyant married Ishita and Neil married Avni.

2 Years later
There was a knock on the door of Malhotra Mansion a servant opened the door and a  Women barged in followed by her son.
Servant (screamed): You can't come in like that.
Women ( screamed back): My families here.
Everyone came downstairs when they heard someone scream.
Purvi: What happened?
When  Kavin, Dushyant and Neil saw the women they were shocked, they went back and hid in a room.
Swetta: Rashmi Di

In the room
Dushyant: What are they doing here?
Kavin: How do I know?
Neil: I don't like them and Massi's son he's such a flirt, he'll flirt with any women he see's.

The boys look at each other and ran back downstairs and stood near their wife's. Kavin could already see the boy eyeing Purvi.

Rashmi: Swetta why didn't you tell me about Rajiv?
Swetta: It happened so fast I didn't know what to tell you?
Rashmi: Hmmm
Rashmi noticed Purvi, Ishita and Avni and asked who are they?
Swetta told them that Purvi is married to Kavin, Ishita is married to Dushyant and Avni is married to Neil.
Rashmi and her son were shocked, what even shocked them was a 3 years old girl came running down the stair calling for her parents and run straight to Kavin and Purvi.
Rashmi: who is she?
Kavin: My 3 year old daughter.
Rashmi and her son: What!
All we're looking as if Kavin said something bad. Then they just ignored them as they heard the small girl speak.
Daughter: Dad, Mum I'm hungry.
Purvi was about to say something when the cook spoke and told everyone that dinner was made.
Swetta gave a room to Rashmi and a room to her son and told them to get freshed up. Everyone went back to their rooms to also get freshed up.
25 minutes later everyone was sitting down in the dining table.

Sorry for any typing mistakes

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