𝗕𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘀𝗲𝘆𝗲 | Chapter One

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Third POV

yells at the top of her lungs .
"God , could you be any louder ?" Alex says with a raspy voice .
"Get up and I won't have to be—" Jaidah was cut off when a pillow was thrown at her face .
Alex started laughing , but got hit with a pillow too .
"You both are loud ." Taj muttered .
"Can y'all please get up ? We start our first year of high school today !" Jaidah cried out , hoping this would get their attention .
"OH SHIT !" Alex and Taj said in unison .
"That's today ?" Alex said as she struggled to pull herself out of bed .
Jaidah sighs in defeat . "I'm going to wait outside . You two come out when you're ready ." Jaidah added , which was followed by the door closing .

"I wonder how many classes we'll have together ." Jaidah squeals in anticipation .

"Why are you so excited ? You weren't like this last year ?" Taj voiced .
"Last year , we were in 8th grade . This year ,we're starting high school in a new country—we're in Japan ! How is that not exciting ?!" Jaidah responded .
"Because . No matter what country we're in , school is still mandatory ." Alex walked with her hands in her pockets . "Fuck . I should've totally went with the pants instead of the skirt."

"No , I was not letting you do that ."
"Taj , why do you hate me so much ."
Taj gives Alex a death stare , Alex shudder with fear .
"We're here !" Jaidah uttered .
The three of them stopped at the front desk to pick up their schedules .
"Hi ! Welcome to Karasuno High School ! Please state your names , and I will give your everything you need !" The lady at the desk says .

                               Taj's POV
"Taj Tyson" I say .
"Jaidah Mwamba" Jaidah says .
I look over to Alex . I know they're sensitive about that topic .
"Ayana....Mwamba" She sighed . Her eyes went dark , and she looks a bit..hurt . I frowned in anguish .
"C'mon guys . Let's go find our classes." She was hurt . I could hear it in her voice . Jaidah was VERY oblivious to this fact , but that's no surprise .
"Sorry." Jaidah whispered .
"One class together ." Alex interjects .
"Yeah , but....you and Taj still have two other classes together !" Jaidah smiles .
Alex chuckles , "C'mere , ya little idiot !" Alex tackles Jaidah . Seeing them happy makes me happy . I smiled and laughed with them .
"What a bunch of losers !" Someone snickered from behind me .
"Come on , guys ! We have to get to class !" I said , in embarrassment .
Alex helped Jaidah up , and we walked to our classes .

                                Alex's POV
"Bye guys !" I waved to them . I was dropped off at English . I sit down at a seat by the window . "Excuse me . That's my seat ." I look up , and there's a boy looking down at me . "Uh hello ? Are you deaf ?" I stare at him . I'm embarrassed . I don't like talking to people . I'm awkward . "But it's the first day of scho—"

"Listen here ! You hear what I said ! Do I need to hurt you ?"
"Uh no , sorry ." I pick up my things to head to another seat . I find one in the back of the classroom . The bell rings , and everyone started walking into the classroom .
"Alright . Now that you all here , I'd like to begin today's le—"
"Sorry I'm late ! Practice was longer than I expected !" A boy interjects .
" That's okay , Nishinoya . Try to be here on time next class ."
"Yessir !" Nishinoya bows , and comes up to sit right next to me .
"Uhm...you're staring ." I went wide-eyed . I look down at my desk , and I mutter a "sorry" I don't know if he heard me or not though .

*Bell rings*
"Okay guys , make sure that assignment is done by next class ." I sped out of that classroom , because I was still embarrassed about earlier . I was speed-walking , so I wasn't looking in front of me and I bumped into someone .
I frantically bowed and said , "I'm sorry !" I look up and see a girl . Oh my—She looks amazing ! "It's quite alright !" She smiles at me .
"Kiyoko ! Over here" someone called from behind me .
"Well , I have to go . Excuse me !" She bowed and walked away .

"Hey , Alex ! Over here" Jaidah waved to me .

                             Jaidah's POV

Alex walks over to Taj and I .
"Hey ! What's up ?" Alex voices .
"Aren't you eating lunch with us ?"
"Duh. Who else would I eat lunch with ?" Alex states .
"Hey , Jaidah !" I heard a voice from behind me . "Hey , Hinata !"

"Wanna eat lunch with me ?"
"Uh...you guys don't mind , right ?"
"No , not at all ." Taj spoke .
"Who's the hottie ?" Alex says . I look at Hinata , and he's blushing . Why am I jealous ? I shoot Alex a look ; She puts her hands out in front of her and says , "Right ! Sorry ! Off limits I see ."

"FINALLY ! I CAN GET IN MY BED !" Alex mouthed .
"Shut it , big mouth !" Taj replied.
"sorry" Alex muttered .
"Oh ! Cool jacket !" Alex pointed at me . Huh ? What's she talking about ? I look at my shoulder . HINATA'S JACKET ! I was still wearing it !
"Right ! I have to return this to him ! C'mon guys !" I grab Alex and Taj , and I drag them to the gym .
"Where are we going ?" Alex observed .
"To the gym ! Hinata plays volleyball"
Alex and Taj exclaimed in awe .

"That's so cool !"
"We're here ! Where is he ?"

But by the time we heard them , it was too late . The ball smacks Alex in the face ; Hard . She falls backwards .
"Is she okay ?" Taj looks at Alex in complete fear . I look at Alex to see her nose is bleeding , and she has a nasty-looking mark on her face .
"Omg ! Are you okay ?"
"I'm so sorry ! Did I hurt you ?"
Out of nowhere , Alex starts balling her eyes out .
"IT HURTS ! IT HURTS !" She mumbled with screams caught in her throat .
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The boys yell in unison when they Alex's face .

"Jaidah , what happened ?"

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