10 - confess

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The four of them: Nishinoya, Tanaka, Yuji, and Megumi were sitting together on the rooftop during lunch time.

"So Megumi, what kind of television shows do you like?" Tanaka asked. "Oh do you like anime?"

Megumi replied. "I don't really watch television but when I do it's mainly documentaries. But I like Studio Ghibli. Overall I prefer reading."

"Hmmm, okay." 

Yuji noticed that they didn't really have a lot in common. Tanaka and Nishinoya carried the conversation, while Megumi answered their questions. It was sort of like an interview. He was already quite close to Megumi so their conversations flowed naturally; he forgot that Megumi  didn't normally interact with people. 

Both Megumi and Yuji reached for a rice ball, and their hands accidentally touched. Yuji automatically remembered that night they held hands when they fell asleep, and a blush crept onto his face. He immediately retracted his hand back.

"Uh, you can have that! There it's yours!" He said awkwardly. Why am I being so shy about this?

Megumi took the rice ball. "Thank you." Then he got up and grabbed all his things. "I'm gonna head back early so I can talk to the teacher. I'm going to do an extra assignment so I can get my grade up. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, hope it goes well!" Yuji waved him goodbye. And then it was just three of them.

Tanaka and Nishinoya looked at Yuji. And then they looked at each other. Yuji got worried.

"Hey Yuji," Tanaka said, with suspicion in his voice. "Do you, by any chance, have a crush?"

Yuji got flustered. "A crush!? Wha-what? On who?" He felt his face getting warmer.

"On Megumi, who else!" He replied, like it should've been obvious. "When you're around him you act like some love-sick puppy." 

"N-not true!" Yuji denied them fervently. "I just act normally around him! Normally!" Oh gosh was I that obvious?

"Oh yeah," Nishinoya chimed in, "Haven't you noticed that Megumi has gotten more open now? Like he's willing to talk to other people more?" He observed.

"Yeah I think girls are going to try and ask him out again now that he's a bit friendlier and doesn't isolate himself anymore." Tanaka agreed.

"Looks like popular boy Megumi's gonna make a return!" Nishinoya smirked.

"What?" Yuji responded, a little too dramatically, shocked by what he was hearing. "But I don't want people to ask him out! Because I-"

"Because I?" Tanaka asked. "Because I?" Nishinoya repeated. Yuji kept his mouth shut and avoided eye contact with them.

"Hmm~" Nishinoya and Tanaka drawled in unison, giggling at Yuji's response. 

Yuji blushed and put his face in his hands. "Stop teasing me." 

"Someone's jealous~" They mused, continuing to tease him.

"Okay fine!" Yuji admitted. "I'm jealous. You guys are so annoying." He crossed his arms and pouted. They laughed at him while Yuji tried to hide his embarrassment at being discovered.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about though." Nishinoya added. "Just ask him out before anyone else does. After all you're the person closest to Megumi. If he accepts anyone's confession it'll be yours and not some random person he barely even knows." Tanaka nodded in agreement. 

"I don't know." Yuji looked down. "I feel like I shouldn't. I don't think he likes me back. He probably only thinks of me as a friend."  

Tanaka and Nishinoya looked at each other incredulously. Then back at Yuji. Finally Tanaka was the one to speak. "Yuji.." He started. "You're a really big idiot you know! Even stupider than we are!"

"It's because you think too much that your brain overheats!" Nishinoya joined in.

Tanaka continued. "If you want to just be friends with him for the rest of your life then fine. But don't come crying to us when you're 70 years old and you regret never confessing to your first love." He spoke his words of wisdom. Nishinoya clapped in agreement.

Tanaka's words reminded Yuji of what his grandpa used to say to him. Don't live life full of regrets. And those words filled him with a little courage.

 "Ask him out!" They chanted. "Ask him out!" They chanted again. Louder, and louder.

Yuji gave in. "You're right guys, I'll ask him out on a date with me." As he said the word date he got shy. The thought of dating Megumi made him warm inside. 

"Yay!" They cheered. Nishinoya put his arm around Yuji. "And if you get rejected you can cry on our shoulders!" They teased him. Yuji brushed his arm aside and stood up. 

"Let's hope I don't get rejected then."


Yuji walked in the hallway looking for Megumi, remembering that he went to go talk to a teacher. There was 10 minutes left for lunch. 

Maybe it's too early and maybe I should've planned it out more, Yuji thought, since he was kind of doing it impulse. But I have the courage now and I might lose it later so here goes nothing

He walked a bit more and spotted Megumi in the principal's office. He was on the phone with someone. The conversation looked glum for some reason.

Yuji waited near the principal's office for what felt like an eternity, even though only a few minutes had passed. He started thinking. What am I going to say? How do I word it? If we go on a date, where will we go? He started getting anxious. Then he saw Megumi walking towards him.

Courage! Yuji thought. Just do it! Who cares what happens. You don't want to regret not saying anything. 

"Hey I have something to tell you." Yuji said shyly. He rubbed his hands together, not knowing how to get the words out. 

But then he noticed Megumi had a blank look on his face. "Megumi?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

"My dad called. He told me that he's coming back."

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