9 - bear

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They were both sitting at the kitchen table at home, across from each other. Megumi was turned away, his back facing towards Yuji. He was quiet. 

"Megumi I'm sorry." Yuji said. "I didn't mean to bring them there. I didn't know we were going to your café. I didn't think they would say those things to you either." Megumi heard the pain in his voice as he struggled to form his thoughts. 

"Whatever, it's fine." Megumi responded.

Yuji asked hesitantly. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Yeah but I'm trying not to be," Megumi said honestly. "I'm not really mad at you, I'm just mad in general. If it was unintentional then I don't blame you." He turned towards Yuji and looked at him straight in the eyes. "But if they tell other people, my life at school will be hell."

Yuji got up from his chair and stood right in front of Megumi. He rested his hand on Megumi's shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't let them say anything bad about you," he assured. "If they do I'll beat them up. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

He leaned down and brought Megumi in for a hug. Megumi reciprocated and wrapped his arms around Yuji.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."


It was morning. Students walked into the classroom. 

Yuji and Megumi were already at their desks. Megumi was reading his textbook, trying to study a bit more, meanwhile Yuji was lost in thought. 

But as soon as Tanaka and Nishinoya walked into the room,  Yuji immediately avoided eye contact with them. He wanted nothing to do with them. 

And it stayed that way for the rest of the week.

Yuji continued to hang out with Megumi all the while pretending that his former friends didn't exist. He didn't need them anyway. They finally showed their true colors. Who would want to be friends with people like that?


It was lunch time. Megumi and Yuji were eating lunch together on the roof. Their lunches were both homemade, curtesy of Yuji who had prepared their food the night before. 

"Maybe they think I'm gay," Megumi blurted out. "Because I always hang out with you and I dress in feminine clothes when I work at the maid café. Now that I think about it, it kind of looks like I have a crush on you. Maybe that's why they don't like me." 

"Who cares about what they think?" Yuji dismissed him. "But don't worry, if they try anything or spread any rumors I'll end them. And I mean it."

 Megumi looked down pensively. "Actually I feel bad for you. You've been friends with them for a long time. And now you have to choose between them and me. And picking me would probably be your last choice, right? I already know that I'm boring as hell."

Yuji shook his head. "You're wrong. You're completely wrong. You're always my first choice. Always." He looked straight into Megumi's eyes.

Megumi turned away out of embarrassment. His ears turned red. "If you say so." 

As they were eating they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They both looked at the door to see who it was. It was Tanaka and Nishinoya.

"What are you doing here?" Yuji accused them. "There are plenty of other places you can eat. Go somewhere else!"

Tanaka jittered nervously. His hands were behind his back. "We came here to talk." He said slowly. "Specifically to Megumi."

Megumi was surprised they wanted to talk to him. But he didn't feel like listening to anything they had to say. "I don't want to talk to you," Megumi refused them.

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