4 - mii-chan

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The bell rung. School just ended. 

Megumi gets up abruptly and grabs his bag, heading straight for the door. Yuji's eyes follow him worriedly. 

Is he going back to the alleyway? Yuji thought. He gets up from his seat quickly. One of his friends blocks his path.

"Hey Yuji!" His friend Tanaka grinned at him. "Wanna go hang out at this new place that opened downtown? Or are you visiting your grandpa again today?"

"Of course he's going to visit his grandpa again today." His other friend Nishinoya responded, like it was obvious. "Yuji always goes to the hospital after school." 

Yuji's face lit up in shock. His grandpa! He was too concerned about Megumi that he forgot that we has supposed to go visit him in the hospital after school. 

"Uh yeah, anyways I'll see you!" Yuji rushed out the door, hoping he could still catch up to Megumi. But grandpa! Yuji thought. 

He was conflicted. He didn't want his grandpa to be alone, especially since no one visited him but Yuji. He had the nurses but that was different, with his parents overseas it was important that Yuji visited him, as Yuji was the only living family his grandpa could see at the moment. 

But at the same time, if he lost sight of Megumi, then what? Would he go back to the same alleyway? Would Yuji be able to find him again? It wouldn't sit right with him, knowing Megumi would probably go without eating, making it two days straight where Yuji didn't see Megumi eat.

"Ahhh! What should I do!" Yuji shouted out. He got a few weird glances from some fellow students. Megumi was at the school gate about to leave property. He was going the opposite way of the hospital. 

Yuji. His grandpa's word echoed in his mind. You can visit me anytime. Besides I have nurses around me for company, I am in a warm bed, and and I am being fed so I won't go hungry. I am being well taken care of. Can you say the same thing about your friend?

You're right grandpa, Yuji thought. His grandpa would probably want him to go after Megumi instead of visit him. If his grandpa found out Yuji visited him while letting his Megumi starve and sleep in an alleyway for the night, he wouldn't hear the end of it. 

Yuji followed Megumi as stealthily as he could. He kept a considerable distance away from him, but was close enough so that he could see where he was going. 

Why do I feel like I'm spying on him, Yuji questioned himself. Can't I just go up to him and clear things up so I can get him to stay at my place for the night? Why am I being so cautious?

Despite thinking this, Yuji decided to follow Megumi anyways before confronting him, as his curiosity got the better of him. 

I wonder where he's going?

Megumi came to a stop. A bus stop. 

Oh, so I guess he's going somewhere kind of faraway? Yuji pondered. He hid behind a nearby tree, careful so that Megumi wouldn't spot him. 

Once the bus came they both hopped on board, with Megumi sitting at the back of the bus and Yuji sitting somewhat close to the front, putting his hood up so Megumi wouldn't notice him.

They took two more buses and did quite a bit of walking. It really is far, Yuji thought.

Once they got off again, Megumi walked towards a rather cute looking café. The storefront was colorful, with little chibi looking characters and hearts and rainbows in the display windows. 

Why's he going here? Yuji wondered. He continued to follow him carefully. 

Megumi walked through an alleyway near the side of the shop. He entered through the back door. 

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