3 - school

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It was the next day at school, before class started. Yuji was sitting on top of his desk, as usual, while Megumi was to the right of him, looking outside the window. 

After Megumi refused to answer more questions last night, he refused to say anything for the rest of the night. During breakfast, Megumi refused to eat anything.

Even the walk to school together was filled with silence. When Yuji met with his friends at the gate, Megumi parted ways with him until they both entered class at different times. 

Despite living together, the distance between them grew further apart it seemed, much to Yuji's dismay.

Yuji wanted to know more about him. Strangely, he liked Megumi even though Megumi isolated himself and pushed him away. He was concerned over Megumi's wellbeing and was worried about him.

He also wanted to be friends with him. 

So during lunch period, instead of eating with his friends, he decided to eat with Megumi instead. 

Though he decided that, it turns out Yuji couldn't find him.

Where does he eat during lunch? Yuji wondered. He looked all over school: in different classrooms, under the staircases, outside near the vending machines. 

"Hey!" He went up to a couple of people. "Have you seen Fushiguro?"

"No, sorry. Why are you looking for him? Are you friends?" One of them asked.

"Uhhh" Yuji pondered. "I guess it's one-sided" He responded gloomily, looking down at his shoes. 

"Well that sucks, hope you find him. He's probably alone though, I don't think he has any friends."

Alone, Yuji thought. He would probably be somewhere alone, where no one would bother him. Somewhere at school where you could be away, far from everyone.

"I wonder why he's always alone though." someone speculated. 

"Hmm I'm not sure. A lot of people approached him at the beginning of the year. Especially girls. I guess since he turned them all down people just stopped trying." They noted.

"Aww. Fushiguro-kun's actually very good-looking. In fact he'd probably be the most popular boy in school if he didn't choose to isolate himself from everyone." One girl giggled. "He probably still gets asked out a lot, just not as much as before." 

"Anyways thanks." Yuji ran off. Then the idea hit him, the rooftop. He'd probably be at the rooftop.

And once he made it to the rooftop, of course. Megumi was there. Sitting near the edge. 

"Hey I was looking for you!" Yuji waved at him. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Do you need something?"

"No, I just wanted to see you. I thought maybe we could eat lunch together?" He asked, a bit hesitantly. 

"How about your friends? Why don't you eat with them?" Megumi wasn't even looking at him.

"Well you are my friend so that's why I'm here with you." He claimed boldly.

"Huh? Since when are we friends?" Megumi snapped.

"Well, I want to be friends!" Yuji declared. "Can't we be friends?" He pleaded. He looked at Megumi with puppy dog eyes. 

Megumi scratched his head. "Whatever."

"I'll take that as a yes." Yuji ran to go sit beside him. He noticed that Megumi didn't have anything for lunch. He figured that was the case, because when Yuji offered to give him something for lunch to bring to school, he refused.

"Aren't you hungry? If you need money for food I'll give you some. Or do you want to share lunch with me? I actually brought enough for the both of us-"

"Why do you care so much?" Megumi turned to look at him. There was irritation in his voice.

"Because you aren't eating and I'm concerned. You didn't eat anything for dinner last night, nothing for breakfast today, and nothing for lunch. Before I thought maybe you just ate at random times but after spending time with you there's never a time when you eat anything. Not to mention you weigh-"

"You don't need to concern yourself with me." Megumi said. "That's my business, not yours. I am not obligated to tell you anything."

"That's true but- but I can't leave you alone like this!" Yuji yelled. "You can't expect me to not care while you slowly die of starvation. You need to eat!"

"I told you to stop concerning yourself with me!" He glared at him angrily.  

"Okay...." Yuji looked down sadly. "But will you still come stay at my apartment?" He asked.

"Just because you annoyed me so much, I won't. Bye." Megumi got up and walked towards the door. "And don't follow me." He left.

Yuji let out a sad sigh. So much for getting closer and becoming friends, he thought. 

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