8 - special event

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It was a weekend afternoon. Yuji was on the couch watching One Piece while Megumi was at the kitchen table, trying his best to study for the upcoming history test and copy all the notes he had missed.

"Hey Megumi" Yuji called over to him. "Can you get me some potato chips?" He asked. 

Megumi grabbed a bag of chips on the counter and handed it over to him. Yuji accepted it graciously.

"Thank you!" Yuji smiled. Megumi began walking back over to the table. "Mii-chan~" Yuji called out in a teasing voice. 

"Hmph." Megumi turned back at Yuji and glared at him. 

Yuji was unfazed and continued. "Hey hey, do you think you can wear your maid outfit at home?" He said giddily. 

Megumi blushed and turned away quickly. "No way! Like I'd ever do that!" He stomped all the way back to the kitchen table. Yuji just kept laughing giddily to himself. He could tell Megumi wasn't mad, just embarrassed. It was cute. 

Yuji noticed that the air between them had gotten lighter and more comfortable. Megumi was a lot more expressive and open, and he would occasionally blush, which made Yuji's heart skip a beat. They took turns cooking, doing laundry, they ate together, and they even watched tv together sometimes, although it was hard since they didn't have the same tastes. Yuji liked shounen anime and action movies while Megumi preferred documentaries and the news. But they both liked Studio Ghibli so they binged watch 3 movies together. 

Ahh that was fun, Yuji thought. It was almost like we were an old married couple. 

Yuji's cheeks turned red. Woah woah woah, a married couple? Isn't that a bit too fast. I mean I don't even know if he likes me back. Wait I like him? Do I have a crush on him? I'm in love with Megumi!? 

Yuji shock his head. Let's not think about this for now and just enjoy what we have currently. Even if it's only temporary. And soon he'll get his own place. And it'll just be me here again..

 And Yuji started feeling down. If only there was some way I could stay by his side. If he even wants me by his side.


Fast forward to school. It was lunch time. 

Megumi said he was going to ask the teacher for some extra help to boost his grade up, so Yuji ate with his two friends. It had been a while since he ate with them, since nowadays he was spending all his time with Megumi. He lowkey felt bad not hanging out with them as often.

"Hey Yuji," Tanaka said. "Why do you never eat lunch with us anymore? You're always hanging out with that guy, what's his name again? Megumi?" Tanaka kept munching on his rice ball, while Nishinoya was playing with his chopsticks. 

"Yeah we're friends." Yuji responded. We're friends. Just friends. Yuji felt a weird pang in his heart. Only friends. He subconsciously felt disappointed. 

"Since when though?" Nishinoya asked him. "I noticed you guys got close all of a sudden even though you barely talked before. Did something happen between you two?"

"Uhhh," Yuji scratched his head nervously. "It's kind of hard to explain. But yeah we're close now." It took a while, but we're close now.

"So what, you ditched him for us?" Nishinoya pouted. "So he's your new best friend now? You forgot all about us?" Nishinoya made big puppy dog eyes at him and started fake sobbing. They made so much of a show that people started looking over at them. 

"Come on guys, you'll always be my best friends," Yuji reassured him. "I'll never leave you guys. I promise!" Besides I don't want Megumi to be my best friend. I want him to be..

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