13 - gratitude

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Ding ding. The bell had rung. School had just ended. 

Yuji went over to Megumi's desk and sat on top of it. He nudged with his elbow. "I saw you got the 7th highest score for the math test. Congratulations!" Yuji noticed that Megumi was improving rapidly in school. He went from missing two math units to getting above average grades. At the rate he was going, he'd be at the top of the class in no time. 

Megumi finished putting all his stuff away. "Yeah well, I have nothing to do anymore except study." He brushed it off. "Even bigger congratulations to you though, you got 5th didn't you?"

Yuji smiled coyly, trying to hide that he was proud of himself too. Seeing Megumi put in effort made him want to study his ass off too. And that effort got them into the top 10. "Well congratulations to us then! We should celebrate!" He cheered. 

"Yeah, we can go get something to eat," Megumi replied, a bit more solemnly then usual. 

Yuji noticed that Megumi was down lately. He was usually quiet and reserved, but for a while he seemed happier. Now he seemed sadder than usual. 

"Hey is something wrong?" Yuji asked. "Did anything happen recently?"

Megumi took a deep breath. "It's my dad." He pursed his lip. "Actually it's my family in general. My new step mom and my dad are fighting almost every single day. I feel like they're gonna break up at any minute. And they both treat me like I don't exist. We don't eat, talk, nothing. My dad just gave me a bunch of money and told me to 'go eat' so I'm assuming that's my food budget for the rest of the month."

Megumi looked out the window. "Well it could be worse." He said, with no emotion in his voice. 

Yuji wanted to comfort him but he didn't know what to say. So instead he just patted Megumi's head and ran his fingers through Megumi's black hair. Even though it looked spiky, it was actually really soft. He looked at Megumi with concerned eyes.

Megumi knew Yuji was worried about him, so he looked at Yuji and tried smiling. "Don't worry, that doesn't matter. Why don't we go somewhere special to celebrate? It can also count as our first date." He suggested. 

Yuji perked up. He realized that even though they hung out together a lot, they still haven't been on their first date yet. He started getting excited. "Let's go on one today, right after we leave the shcool!" He said with enthusiasm. "But where will we go?"

"I have an idea," Megumi replied. 


"Welcome back Masters," The lady at the front greeted them. "Table for two?" She asked.

"Yeah," Megumi replied. "Can we have a table near the back. And if it's not occupied, can you seat us in the area for groups that usually reserved?"

"Well.." she trailed off. "Normally you aren't supposed to, but since nobody's booked it and it's a slow day today I'll make an exception. Only because it's you Megumi." She winked. She took out two menus and led them to their table. 

"Hey Megumi," Yuji asked. "Why did you bring us here? Did you miss this place?" 

"Yeah. I missed it a little," Megumi admitted. "But there's someone I need to talk to." He said. They both sat down, sitting side by side. 

Ever since Megumi's dad came back, Megumi had quit his job since his family was rich now and he no longer needed the money. In normal circumstances, Megumi would probably try working in order to be independent no matter how much money his family had, but since he didn't like his dad, Megumi had no issue with leeching off as much money from him as possible. Technically it was his step-mother's money, but it didn't matter since he didn't like her either. Megumi could be petty when he wanted to be. 

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