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CW/ Contains depictions of violence.


It was a Saturday afternoon. Megumi was at Yuji's apartment.

Megumi hung out at Yuji's apartment a lot. In fact he spent so much time there, it was like he had never moved out. He even slept over a lot, especially when the fighting got really bad between his dad and his step-mom. 

They were baking today at Yuji's request, because he thought it'd be fun. The oven bell went off, so Megumi went to take the pies out and placed them on the kitchen table. Then he sat down at the couch. 

"Hey Yuji are you finished using the toilet?" Megumi asked. "You've been in there for like 10 minutes. The pie is ready!" Megumi shouted.

"I'm coming, just wait!" Yuji called out.

"Well if you don't come out soon I'm going to eat the pie without you!" Megumi threatened. But that was a lie. They baked blueberry and peach pie, and Megumi didn't even like those flavors. But Yuji, Tanaka, and Nishinoya did. They were going to share it with them later. 

Yuji opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. Megumi turned around. "What took you so long-" But he stopped mid-sentence, because he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What the heck are you wearing?" Megumi shrieked. Yuji was dressed up in a maid outfit with cat ears. But not just any maid outfit. It was Megumi's old work uniform. 

"What do you think?" He grinned. "Does it look nice?"  Yuji snickered to himself. He originally wore it to prank Megumi but it was actually pretty fun to wear. 

"You look stupid." Megumi said. "And you aren't even wearing it properly!" The laces were completely undone and his apron was crooked. From the back he looked half naked. 

"You don't think I look cute?" Yuji pouted. He made big puppy dog eyes. Megumi blushed. 

"Yeah you look cute," Megumi mumbled, barely audible.

"What? I can't hear you!" Yuji leaned in closer and brought his ear closer to Megumi to hear him better.

Megumi yelled in his ear. "I SAID YOU LOOK CUTE!" 

Yuji stumbled back from how loud Megumi yelled. His ears started ringing. He was disoriented for a few seconds, but then he shock away the dizziness like it never happened and went straight back to Megumi. 

"Megumi~" He said shyly. "Do you think you can call me..." Yuji giggled a bit. "Yuu-chan?" 

"No!" Megumi says right away. Yuji continues laughing and skipping around in the maid outfit, but then he accidentally trips on an untied lace. He banged his elbow on the kitchen table. 

And face-planted into the pie. 

"OWW!" Yuji cried out. Normally it would not hurt when you face-plant into a pie. But this pie had just finished baking, and came straight out of the oven. And he had also hit his elbow. 

Megumi walked over to him and grabbed a towel, cleaning him. "And this is why you look in the mirror and check if you tied everything up." He cautioned.

"At least it tastes delicious," Yuji replied, sobbing whilst eating pie off his face, sniffling a few times. "Yummy." 

"You are so weird."


After spending the day with Yuji, Megumi went back to his house. Maybe I should've spent the night there, Megumi thought. He wasn't in the mood to see his dad and step-mom. But I guess it's too late, since I'm already here.

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