16 - destiny

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Megumi took a few days off of school to heal for his injuries. But when he came back, to Yuji's relief, he was fine. Somehow he started doing even better in school. He rose to 2nd place in the class ranking for their math and science courses. 

"I still suck at history though," Megumi said bitterly. "I hate memorization."

Yuji just laughed. "Then let's study history together." He suggested. "I'm pretty good at memorization after all. I can give you some tips."

After that incident, Megumi moved back in with Yuji at his apartment. Yuji had to get his parent's permission to let him live there permanently, but after hearing about Megumi's circumstances they agreed. They also felt bad about leaving Yuji alone while they worked overseas, so they thought it would be good for him to be with a friend at home.

Just a friend, Yuji remembered saying to them. They didn't know that Megumi was his boyfriend. They didn't even know that Yuji was bi. But that was a conversation for another time. 

Megumi was also motivated more than ever to do well in school. In a year they would be graduating, and Megumi wanted Yuji and him to go to the same college so they could stay together. 

I know what I want for my future, Megumi thought. 

He looked at Yuji who was beside him on the couch, resting his head on Megumi's shoulder while he was watching television. 

And that was a future with you.

"Hey Yuji, can you get me some apple juice?" Megumi asked, while he was sitting on the living room couch. 

"Sure," Yuji said. And he got up and went to the kitchen.

Megumi smiled. He was able to heal, little by little. Not completely, because usually trauma is something that stays with you, but he was able to move forward. And it was because he had Yuji by his side. He was finally home. 

------- Bonus -------⤛

It was early in the morning, Yuji was making breakfast. I want to impress him by making his favorite food, Yuji thought giddily. 

Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. It was Megumi. Megumi rested his chin on Yuji's shoulder.

"Good morning!" Yuji said happily. But then he blanked out when he realized that Megumi was wearing..a maid outfit. The one that he used to wear at the café.  

"W-what are doing?" Yuji asked in surprise. "Wa-" But before he could say more, Megumi put his hand over Yuji's mouth to keep him quiet. 

"Don't. Say. Anything. Just turn around and keep cooking." He demanded.

Megumi's hand was still on Yuji's mouth but he managed to talk regardless. "But why?" Yuji asked in a muffled tone, still confused. Even though he liked it.

Megumi blushed, the embarrassment finally setting in. "D-didn't you ask me to wear this for you at home? Or did you forget?" He stammered. 

"I didn't think you'd actually do it!" Yuji said in defense. Megumi got irritated and was about to complain, but Yuji just laughed. 

"Hahahaha," He giggled. "I'm happy." 

He turned around and gave Megumi a kiss on the cheek. Megumi pouted.

"Thank you~" he teased. "Mii-chan!"


The end.

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