12 - embrace

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"You are?" Megumi questioned him. "Are you sure?"

"What do you mean am I sure!" Yuji said. "Of course I am! I've never been more sure of something in my life!" 

Megumi was still processing it. Yuji. In love. With.. with me? With me!? Is he for real?

"Why me though?" Megumi didn't believe it. "There are plenty of other people you could be in love with." And there are plenty of other people out there better for you than me.

"That doesn't matter." Yuji shook his head. "I'm in love with you. And only you. Whether you accept it or not." He said, with absolute conviction. 

"I like you, Megumi." Yuji was blushing and wanted to cover his face but he stayed firm in his words.

"But why?" Megumi asked again. "All I've ever done is push you away, spend your money, and free load at your house. I'm just a giant burden on you. How could you be in love with me?"

Something in Yuji snapped again. He got annoyed. He was tired of hearing Megumi rambling on about how he was useless, or a burden, or unworthy to believe. He decided he needed to put some sense into Megumi. Right then and there. 

He grabbed Megumi's face and looked at him, straight into his eyes, and yelled, "I've never thought of you as a burden! Not once! Do you know how hard it is for me to hear you talk bad about yourself? Constantly, everyday, you put yourself down. And it hurts me!" 

Tears threatened to well up in Yuji's eyes but he bit them back and continued. "It hurts me to hear that you hate yourself. If only you could see what I see. Because I love you!" 

Megumi's eyes widened. His ears were also ringing because Yuji was so loud. 

He kept going. "I don't care about you being a burden or how worthless you think you are or anything like that."

He let go of Megumi and spoke a bit a softer. "Because you made happy. And I want to make you happy. And that's all that matters to me." He sobbed. 

Megumi reached out his hands towards Yuji and squished his cheeks. Yuji was startled by his gesture. But the message had gotten through to Megumi. He smiled. You make me happy too.  

He wiped Yuji's tears at the corner of his eyes with his sleeve and said, "If I'm really the one you want then. Okay." He accepted.

"I'm in love with you too," Megumi said. 

Yuji couldn't believe the words he was hearing. Megumi was in love with him too. It was like a dream come true. 

"Then does that mean we're dating?" Yuji said, with hope in his voice. His face lit up. He was like a puppy.

"Yeah." Megumi said. "That's typically what you do after you confess." Megumi slightly deadpanned.

"Okay. Then we're dating!" Yuji said giddily. "Good. Good.." He repeated. 

Megumi looked at him. "Well what do we do now?" He asked. 

They were still a bit awkward, as two teenagers in love usually were. Especially since it was Yuji and Megumi, who had both never been in love before and never entertained the idea of dating until now. 

"Let's go on a date!" Yuji suggested.

"Right now?" Megumi asked. "But it's night time. It's too late to go on a date." For a smart guy, Megumi could be really stupid sometimes.

"No, no. Not now," Yuji waved off the idea and dismissed him. "Later. Another time. Let's do something else."

"Like what?" Megumi asked. 

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