17 - surprise

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⤜----- Extra Chapter -----⤛

It had been two long years. But Itadori Jin was finally coming home. 

He worked in upper management in a big company overseas. In Taiwan specifically. But he had a paid vacation and he decided to spend it by coming home. 

He entered his key and turned the door knob. The door opened and Jin entered the house. Ah, it's good to be home, Jin thought. Even though he said that he would be coming home, he was actually coming back earlier then Yuji expected. Just to surprise him of course.

His wife was still working in the US and was still very busy at the moment, but she would be home in a few weeks. Just in time for them to celebrate reuniting as a family again. The three of them.

Oh, actually it was four of us, Jin remembered. Yuji brought a friend to live in the apartment with him. Normally Jin would say no, but because of Megumi's special circumstances and the fact that Yuji had to be left alone now that his grandfather had passed, Jin just couldn't refuse. 

He had only ever seen Megumi in video calls, but even through the screen Jin could tell that he was a very handsome boy. I'm sure he has a girlfriend, Jin thought. Maybe Yuji has a girlfriend too? 

"Nah, who am I kidding!" Jin brushed it off. "Yuji's too innocent to date right now. I don't even think he's held hands with a girl before." He laughed at the idea of Yuji trying to romance a girl and date her. To him, Yuji was still his cute son, with no relationship experience whatsoever. 

He put down his luggage in the center of the living room, and then placed his keys and a few bags on the kitchen table. Jin had brought souvenirs and special snacks with him from Taiwan that he wanted Yuji and Megumi to share, especially since he knew Yuji had a sweet tooth. He had brought pineapple cake specifically for Yuji. And for Megumi, chocolate castella since Yuji told him that Megumi liked chocolate. Along with an assortments of other snacks and food.

"Yuji! Megumi-kun!" He called out. "I'm home! I have snacks!" 

But no one responded. Did they go out? Jin thought. Oh, I wonder if they are still sleeping. It was early morning after all. 

He decided to surprise Yuji by waking him up. But he looked around, wondering where Megumi was since Yuji told him that Megumi usually slept on the couch, even though he was allowed to use Jin's bedroom while they were away. Eh, he's around here somewhere, Jin thought. 

He slowly tiptoed over to Yuji's bedroom. I feel like a spy from a movie, Jin thought giddily.

He gently opened the door in order not to make a noise, but it still made a small creak as it opened. Oh well, can't be helped, Jin thought. Light from outside slowly illuminated Yuji's bedroom.

He expected to see Yuji fast asleep.

But what he saw there instead, was Yuji and Megumi, sleeping together, cuddling on the bed.

They were holding each other by the waist -basically hugging- their chests close together and their arms wrapped around each other. Their legs were also intertwined, sprawled out on the bed. Yuji was snoring loudly while Megumi was sound asleep. 

Jin was surprised for a good few seconds. He didn't expect them to be so intimate

"Hmmm.." He pondered. "Looks like they got really close while living together. They look like the best of friends!" He exclaimed. 

Sike. Jin wasn't an idiot. They obviously looked like they had something going on. Or maybe they just accidentally ended up in that position. Who knows? Well, Jin was going to find out.

"Rise and shine lovebirds!" Jin yelled. He ripped the blanket off of them. Yuji and Megumi bolted upwards as they were startled awake. 

"Who, what?" Yuji looked around, confused. And then he saw the man standing beside his bed.

"D-dad!?" Yuji said in shock. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Taiwan right now?" 

And then it took a few seconds, but Yuji realized that his dad saw him and Megumi together. Cuddling. In bed. And then he turned a bright shade of red.

"I-I can explain!" Yuji said, getting all flustered, trying to think of some lousy excuse. His parents didn't know about his relationship with Megumi yet, and Yuji didn't know how they would take it. 

"Uh, we got drunk last night and rolled into bed together and then this happened...uhh." Yuji laughed nervously. Crap that sounds even worse, Yuji thought. 

"We're dating," Megumi said outright. "I love your son. Can I have your blessing?" He asked Jin, in the most monotone yet polite way possible. 

Jin looked at Megumi. Then at Yuji. Then back at Megumi. Then he looked up at the ceiling, thought about it for two seconds, and then said:

"I never knew you were gay Yuji!" Jin blurted out cheerfully. "Or are you bi?" He scratched his chin. Then he waved it off. "Either way, whatever! I have snacks in the living room if you want any." He said casually.

Yuji opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

Jin turned around and was about to leave the room. But he looked back once to mention, "Oh yeah, you continue what you're doing. Have fun you two!" Then Jin wiggled his eyebrows, "But not too much fun if you know what I mean." 

Then he left the room and shut the door. 

Yuji was still sitting up in his bed, his mouth still gaping open. His mind was blank.

Megumi broke the silence by saying, "Looks like I have his blessing. Good. I'm going back to sleep." Then Megumi laid down onto the bed and pulled the blanket over him. "If you go to the living room get some snacks for me." He requested. 

Yuji looked at Megumi, shocked at how casually he went with it. He was even more shocked at how casually his dad went with it too. 

That was....not how I expected to come out, Yuji thought.

But then he remembered his dad was always a pretty chill person. Yuji was actually planning to come out with a magic trick, with confetti and everything. But it looks like his plans were over now. Or maybe he could still use it on his mom. 

Oh well, whatever. I'm hungry. Then Yuji got up to go greet his dad properly. And to use the toilet.

⤜------- The end ------⤛

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