author's note

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Thank you for reading! I remember starting this story back in December (2020) and then I didn't write for a while, even though I had the entire plot planned out. For anyone who continued reading after that hiatus, I appreciate it. I know I had some readers who didn't know if I would continue the story or not, so I'm glad I was able to finish it. Sorry for making you all wait for so long. 

Side note: 

I wasn't originally going to give names to Yuji's two friends (that's why they are nameless in the beginning) but I realized I had to once they had a bigger part in the story, so I made them Tanaka and Nishinoya since they're two of my favorite characters from Haikyuu. I feel bad about making them assholes for that one chapter. Sorry guys 😭

I was also going to leave the manager nameless but I decided to make it Gojo since the manager acts like a guardian to Megumi. Plus he really is the type to own a maid café lol 😂. So I went back and made some revisions (basically just adding in names to previous chapters) just for continuity's sake.

I also realize that I had people address as Megumi as 'Fushiguro' early on (for a sense of distance) only to have everyone just call him Megumi no matter how close they were. Kind of an accident but I decided to just roll with it lol.

Anyways thanks for reading! I am grateful to everyone who checked out this story. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*One more extra note, if you noticed any details that don't match up from earlier chapters to the newer ones (like with appearance or names or objects) it's because I wrote this after a hiatus, so there might be some continuity errors. Sorry about the confusion lol. Anyways thank you :)

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